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That sucks :( this is the first possible "deal breaker" I've run into.


Yesterday I wouldn't have thought it would be an issue either, but now after spending two days attempting to get two photos from a shoot look the same I'm reading to smash my head through my desk.


Otherwise Affinity has handled everything I've thrown at it over the last couple of weeks. 

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Hi MrKellyGraham


I think it would be good to have a go at this feature. If you don't mind sending your two images to support@seriflabs.com that would be very helpful for testing.


Thank you


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Files sent. I believe one of the things causing me so much difficulty is the fact that the colour picker doesn't seem to pick up the values after a adjustment layer is applied. IE it seems to give you the underlying layer's values even if you have the colour balance mask selected. 


Maybe I'm missing something but after applying curves or colour balance masks the picker seemed to give me the same RGB values even though the screen showed very different colours. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong though.

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  • 8 months later...

Has there been any development for this feature? Would be nice to map colors and then transfer that color table to another photo and map it there with adjustments. Little bit like working 8-bit color swaps to create animations but this to move color palette in higher bitrates.

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Has there been any development for this feature? Would be nice to map colors and then transfer that color table to another photo and map it there with adjustments. Little bit like working 8-bit color swaps to create animations but this to move color palette in higher bitrates.



you need to klick the "Link" button while creating a post, the forum does not handle pasted links very well  :D


pretty cool guy in this video  :wub: doing amazing imagery 


but I don't understand what you want to say? Can you further a bit in how this is related to this feature, how to achieve it?





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Ah, I thought it was on my browser the mistake, not in my action ;)


The thread idea about being able to map a colors from one photo to another is same as when it was early computer graphics era as can be seen on His presentation about doing computer games graphics, starting with very few colors to 256 colors. 

And then that amazing capability to change a whole image to another kind by mapping the colors in 256 palette to another ones. (And then the off-topic here about rotating in the fly partial of the colors to create a animation, with just color mapping). 


I think it is fairly wanted feature to get a source image and map it to color palette and then get to use that palette on another image by mapping its colors match the another (or near by colors). 

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I think it is fairly wanted feature to get a source image and map it to color palette and then get to use that palette on another image by mapping its colors match the another (or near by colors). 

got it, thanks !


I think this is a separate (and also very interesting) feature request 

maybe this is kind of a niche case so although it is very interesting I would not count on an implementation any time soon


something like "apple color palette to image"

and it is fairly similar in terms of it's algorithm to this request 


"We have a .png of their logo, now usually on photoshop I would use the colour picker and then go to the colour library and it would tell me which is the nearest Pantone to my selection."


maybe you want to cross reference it in that thread or search for other similar requests to get a better understanding of how likely an implementation might be

and feature request should generally go here https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/forum/6-feature-requests/ otherwise the devs will probably not see them or at least forget them much faster 





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3D LUT Creator also has great color matching features that usually work much better than what Photoshop has.


In general, I think any matching feature that is being developed or will be developed in the future should be implemented in a way that it generates editable adjustment layers, not "auto mode" ones like the one in Photoshop, leaving you with a bunch of pixels with no way to tweak the results or transfer/re-use them with other images.

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Is there any facility for matching the colours between two images?


I've been driving myself insane attempting to get the colours of two photos to match.


for photoshop but should work in AP too


This might help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHvfVc_8eMc


This is even easier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vtbtmzno8s

Skill Level: Beginner, digital photography, digital editing, lighting.

Equipment: Consumer grade. Sony Nex5n, Nikon D5100, (16MP sony sensors)

Paid Software: Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, Lightroom4

Free Software: NIK collection, Sony CaptureOne9, Cyberlink PhotoDirector6, Hugin, ImageJ, MS Ice, Davinci Resolve

Computer: Win10 home, CPU Skylake I7-6700, GPU Saphire HD7850 1G, Plextor SSD

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On 3/6/2015 at 11:13 AM, MEB said:

Affinity Photo is still on the beginning of its development. There's still considerable changes and improvements coming. Some areas are still being built. Just hold on a little. This would be a great addition. I'm sure Andy will consider it.


 "color matching" still hasn't made it into Affinity Photo after 2 years, Any news when? 

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Hi The FeralOne,

No, not yet. We have a relatively small team which is already doing their best to fulfil users requests and add all planned features, but as you can guess by the number of requests it's simply not possible to address them all. Please bear with us while we continue improving the app.

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  • 6 months later...
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  • 5 months later...

Hey guys, hey steveatesh!

What a coincidence, just today I had situation where this adjustment would be incredibly helpful as well.
I know there are workarounds and there're nice and all – but not comparable or as fast like the one-click adjustment.

Maybe the developers can give us an update, is this feature planned or perhaps already in progress? :35_thinking:

Greetings and have a nice afternoon



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