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Every time I open a new drawing or start a new work session, selection for example lazo, I need polygonal behaviour, and "add mode".
Everytime open a new file that modality has to be re-selected.

Same for the other tools, for example perspective. I hate the on-screen grid and I'd like to move the popup on a specifica port of the screen.

Every time, for every drawing it comes back to "default" position, grid present....

There is no way of making the program record the last used settings for tools and other?


  • Staff

Hi Resunoiz,


Welcome to the forums :)


You can go to Edit > Defaults > Synchronise from selection to change the defaults for your tools however this will only work for certain tools at the moment we are working on improving this in the future :)




Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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