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Hi Mark

Thanks for the new Beta.. and I appreciate all the hard work that I am sure has gone into the latest updates. Overall looking good!.It has been stable even with large number of vector objects contained in some of my  crazy files. There are a couple of things that I have noticed:


1. I am still finding a couple of recurring brush issues. One of which I reported earlier after the 1.6 launch in this thread issue 4:

https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/49337-ad-16089-ad-16190-beta-brush-bugs-and-some-weirdness/....but was having difficulty getting it to appear...Until this afternoon (as attached movie!)


I thought it was occurring when I exchanged a nozzle but today I found a similar issue with the replacement/removal of the Base Texture. hence the video. Previously I was able to retrieve the 'working brush'/selected brush by toggling the active personna ...but it appears not to be the case with this issue.


2. I think this has already been reported with the 'live version' that sometimes the settings are not saved with the brush. I also found that if you duplicate a brush the settings get copied to the new brush but not maintained in the active brush after you close the dynamic/brush window. (not frequent in latest beta)...or just ignoring the changes






Brush fail2.wmv


Affinity Version 1 (10.6) Affinity Version  All (Designer | Photo | Publisher)   Beta;
OS:Windows 10 Pro 22H2 OS Build 19045.4412+ Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19056.1000.0
Rig:AMD FX 8350 and AMD Radeon (R9 380 Series) Settings Version 21.04.01 
Radeon Settings Version 2020
20.1.03) + Wacom Intuous 4M with driver 6.3.41-1



  • Staff

Hi Stuart,

Unfortunately I'm still struggling to reproduce this - I wonder if there is something specific with your custom brushes. Would you be able to try and replicate the issue using the 'Texture' brush (last in the list) from the Assorted category please. If so could you record a video of the process you used to duplicate it?


As for the other issue, do you have a link to where you think you've seen it reported? I have noticed that immediately after Duplicating a brush from the Brush Editing dialog it will actually deselect both brushes, and instead revert to the 'Selection' brush - as if you had modified the current brush on the Context Toolbar. However this is not obvious until you edit the size of the brush for example. It is only at that point the dialog heading changes to indicate this. This is incorrect based on the Mac behaviour as it retains the original selection after duplicate. I'll get this reported. 

1 hour ago, Sean P said:

Hi Stuart,

Unfortunately I'm still struggling to reproduce this - I wonder if there is something specific with your custom brushes. Would you be able to try and replicate the issue using the 'Texture' brush (last in the list) from the Assorted category please. If so could you record a video of the process you used to duplicate it?


As for the other issue, do you have a link to where you think you've seen it reported? I have noticed that immediately after Duplicating a brush from the Brush Editing dialog it will actually deselect both brushes, and instead revert to the 'Selection' brush - as if you had modified the current brush on the Context Toolbar. However this is not obvious until you edit the size of the brush for example. It is only at that point the dialog heading changes to indicate this. This is incorrect based on the Mac behaviour as it retains the original selection after duplicate. I'll get this reported. 



It's quite an odd issue I has occurred several times but is intermittent...I was wondering whether it was a consequence of a large brush category...or just something occurring when you get close to the limitations of the app (Do you know whether their is a limit on number of brushes in a category?) 


I have sent you the brush file/set (it's sort of my development brush set for some new texture brushes and is still incomplete) but you are welcome to test/play around with it!..


Good news is that the previous issues have been eradicated:)


Just for info

1. All work for brushes completed in AD. Inc nozzles exported from a file I set up for creating nozzles and seamless patterns.

2. Exported as transparent png

3. Created in category (for testing) as sent file

4. Brushes tend to get duplicated a lot in process

5. Split to categories (renamed)+edited


Took me a while to find the other thread..There are actually 2 but the brush questions thread (in questions) raises some Qu's regarding brush sets and categories...But some of the issues highlighted are similar





and this ..but with different types of brush...I have seen this occur with some of my brush sets...but again it's not persistent/constant



As for the other issue ..settings no being saved..I will try and get a video of it...I played around with the default set (texture) but could not get it to occur earlier








Affinity Version 1 (10.6) Affinity Version  All (Designer | Photo | Publisher)   Beta;
OS:Windows 10 Pro 22H2 OS Build 19045.4412+ Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19056.1000.0
Rig:AMD FX 8350 and AMD Radeon (R9 380 Series) Settings Version 21.04.01 
Radeon Settings Version 2020
20.1.03) + Wacom Intuous 4M with driver 6.3.41-1



  • Staff

Thanks for the files, and annoyingly it seems to currently be ok for me! Are you using a graphics tablet at all? If so what kind? I've been using a mouse to try to reproduce so curious if that is why i'm having issues.


I have a feeling it might be the same or a side effect of the issue Ladlon reported in your first link.

1 hour ago, Sean P said:

Thanks for the files, and annoyingly it seems to currently be ok for me! Are you using a graphics tablet at all? If so what kind? I've been using a mouse to try to reproduce so curious if that is why i'm having issues.


I have a feeling it might be the same or a side effect of the issue Ladlon reported in your first link.


Definitely intermittent!...Sometimes it occurs quickly, or can just suddenly start happening after hours of working in the app...Which is why I was wondering whether it is a cumulative response to constantly changing brush values/add remove nozzles or background textures. 


I suppose what I have been doing/working  is not common but extreme workflow! so you just would not come across it.


I use a Wacom Intuos 4 (old and now with a smooth surface!) tablet 90% of the time....wouldn't go back to a mouse:) Drivers are listed in signature..


It has been happening occasionally through 1.5 and 1.6 and beta versions. and Ladlons issues/comments are certainly similar/same... I have seen exactly the same issue happen with raster brushes where it does not change the 'implied' brush for several seconds. 


OK! So trying to force the settings/nozzles not being saved when duplicating brushes:


So recorded screen added for AD beta version. to try an get something to occur.... took over 5 minutes!

1. Create use a brush

2. Edit brush (add remove nozzles/images/exchange background texture/ change scale/size or anything else!)

3. Duplicate brush

4. Test new brush

5. Test previous brush


repeat! as necessary


So ref:video: if add nozzles to a brush 207 (4 to 6 nozzles) in this case, duplicate it. Close dynamics, go to new brush (208) test dynamics=6 nozzles:). Go back to brush 207; open dynamics saved nozzles 4 (even though there were 6) :/


This also can also happen when you change the dynamics settings  


brush not save.wmv


Affinity Version 1 (10.6) Affinity Version  All (Designer | Photo | Publisher)   Beta;
OS:Windows 10 Pro 22H2 OS Build 19045.4412+ Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19056.1000.0
Rig:AMD FX 8350 and AMD Radeon (R9 380 Series) Settings Version 21.04.01 
Radeon Settings Version 2020
20.1.03) + Wacom Intuous 4M with driver 6.3.41-1



  • Staff

Hi Stuart,


In the video it looks like you were editing 206 originally? There was a bug with the brush duplication though as you said, i've now fixed that. Thanks for the feedback.




24 minutes ago, Chris J said:

Hi Stuart,


In the video it looks like you were editing 206 originally? There was a bug with the brush duplication though as you said, i've now fixed that. Thanks for the feedback.




You are welcome...


Wow  that was quick...Thanks for that....I am impressed!..a small bug ..but yet another improvement to an already brilliant piece of software


Yes! I edited an existing brush (adding nozzles in this case but also tweaked some of the dynamics for other brushes) but I noticed that the changes didn't always get saved in the edited brush when you closed the panel or duplicated the brush.. The duplicated brush would get the new settings but the original would sometimes revert to it's previous set up..  


206?: yep..originally..!.


The video is cropped I recorded the actions...trying force an event on the brush panel to...(where the active brush simply stops working on screen) so I just kept duplicating and repeating process until the brush stopped working/painting on the pixel layer. Changing the active brush in panel can sometimes re-activate a brush that stops working after adding new nozzle/s.  



Affinity Version 1 (10.6) Affinity Version  All (Designer | Photo | Publisher)   Beta;
OS:Windows 10 Pro 22H2 OS Build 19045.4412+ Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19056.1000.0
Rig:AMD FX 8350 and AMD Radeon (R9 380 Series) Settings Version 21.04.01 
Radeon Settings Version 2020
20.1.03) + Wacom Intuous 4M with driver 6.3.41-1



  • Staff

You're welcome :)


What I meant was, unless i'm mistaken, you added nozzles to 206, duplicated it (to the new 208). Then selected and viewed 208 to verify it's the same. Then go back and view 207 (not 206). Which is why it shows only 4 nozzles? Or have I missed something? :)


Either way. As you said. There was a bug with it losing the current selection after duplicating. This i have now fixed (available in the next beta). Which may have caused your issues. Give it a try in the next beta and let me know if it fixes it.




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