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How to change the sub layer properties together with the current layer

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Say if I draw a square inside a circle. The square will become a sub layer of the circle. If I select the circle and change its stroke properties, the square sub layer will not be affected. I even cannot select the square sub layer while the circle layer is selected. 


In many cases I need to adjust the stroke properties of a layer including its sub layers. Now I have to do it separately. Is it possible to adjust the properties of all layers in one go?



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Hello hoishing,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

You can select more than one object at the same time. With the Move tool selected click and drag a marquee  around the objects you want to select (on canvas). It must cover entirely the objects and not just a part of them (there's an option in the preferences that allows you to change this behaviour so you just have to touch part of the objects to select them).

Another way to select several objects is to click on them (on canvas) while pressing the shift key. They will be added to the selection. 


After you have selected the objects, go to the node tool and change the properties you want in the context toolbar (right above the work area). Affinity will change those properties for all objects you have selected.

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You should be able to select them both at once from the Layers tab. Use shift-click to extend the selection. Shift-click should also work on the main canvas, although it can be a little more tricky working with nested and/or overlapping objects there. The Layers tab makes the structure more apparent.


Just to check: did you intend the square to be a sub-layer of the circle? If you just wanted the square to appear to inside the circle visually, it doesn't need to be a sub-layer. If you just wanted them to behave as a single unit, you can group them. making shape as sub-layers of other shapes is mainly about clipping. There are some buttons at the top-right toolbar that determine whether newly created objects go inside the selected object.

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Hi Dave,


Masking with sub layer is what I intended to do. The problem is that the sub layer CANNOT be selected while holding the shift key. It will un-select itself after clicking on it. The video below shows the behaviour that I am talking about.




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