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Is there a way to display the shadows and highlights clipping in the histogram outside the Develop Persona.
I use this feature a lot, specially before printing and until now, I have to go back in the Develop Persona to view and adjust the clippings. I could use the Color Picker, of course for a better precision, but it is a way longer. 
Sometimes I'm a bit lazy...



  • Staff

Hi FxRphoto,


Not possible without switching back to the Develop persona.  It's been requested a few times that these get added into the main Photo Persona so they may be added in a future update


Double thanks, owenr!
One for advising the thread.
One for your post in the aforementioned thread: 
- "(A Levels adjustment layer will indicate clipping if you press Alt/Opt when operating its black and white sliders.)"


This is just what I needed, even if it would be more convenient to have just a few buttons to show the clippings. 
For now, before printing I just need to add that layer, and a soft proofing layer in a (sort of) print layout preset. Then copy and paste (or place) my image in it, and that's it.


I am an happy man, at least for today. :)



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