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I'm currently trying out the Develop persona with a Lightroom-converted DNG from a Canon 6D. So far, I've noticed that:

  1. White Balance and Exposure sliders in Basic sidebar panel are expressed in percentage, as opposed to Kelvins and Stops, respectively, which would be more intuitive for photographers.
  2. The Navigator, EXIF and Focus tabs seem to be collapsed by default; when I click on any of them, it doesn't do the expected result of opening the corresponding panel, and instead moves the image (as if using the Navigator panel to drag the viewport). I tried closing the panel above, but no dice.
  3. When I click on Cancel (in my case, to try to switch to the Photo Persona), the image closes without any prompt or explanation.

I'm aware that the Develop persona is still "under construction", but I hope it helps to jot down these issues for reference.

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