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Free Content included with 1.6 ('Till 16th November)


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22 minutes ago, Tony77 said:

I've been able to download free content but I do not work on macros ..... I try to call up the file "Uplift - Epic Skies.afmacros" but it does not appear during the search ... but in the folder is present

There appears to be an error version 1.6 on windows. When trying to import these free macros the window is filtering for *.afmacro extensions, but the ones in the zip folder are *.afmacros. OK, I thought, simple - remove the 's' from the extension. That allows the files to be visible but importing them has no impact. Presumably, Affinity is still requiring them to be *.afmacros even if the browser window does not. I think an urgent update is needed to re-enable importation of correctly formatted macro files.

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Hi AdrianR,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

You are probably trying to import them from the Macros panel (which is only able to import .afmacro files (no S in the end) - that is, a single macro composed by one or more steps). To import .afmacros files (which is a set of macros) you have to open the Library panel instead (menu View ▸ Studio ▸ Library) click the small menu icon on the top right of the panel and select Import Macros...

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10 minutes ago, MEB said:

Hi AdrianR,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

You are probably trying to import them from the Macros panel (which is only able to import .afmacro files (no S in the end) - that is, a single macro composed by one or more steps). To import .afmacros files (which is a set of macros) you have to open the Library panel instead (menu View ▸ Studio ▸ Library) click the small menu icon on the top right of the panel and select Import Macros...

Err, thanks - that did it! So, you cannot import macros in the Macros pane, but you can install a macro there, whereas macros can only be imported from the Library pane - I'm confused! I must be missing some logic of semantics regarding the difference between a macro and macros - sorry;-) My concept of logical procedures in attempting an import is clearly very wrong... Could this process perhaps be more intuitive than it currently is, for me at least?

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1 minute ago, AdrianR said:

 ... Could this process perhaps be more intuitive than it currently is, for me at least?


We included a PDF of the install instructions in the zip file, which we thought would be useful to avoid these pitfalls 

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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3 minutes ago, Patrick Connor said:


We included a PDF of the install instructions in the zip file, which we thought would be useful to avoid these pitfalls 

Yes, Patrick, you did, and they are correct. It appears that in between looking at them and them moving over to Affinity to implement them I both forgot what I had read and was misled by what appeared to be a logical pane to select to work with macros. My mistake for that error but it still appears highly unintuitive to have to remember not to import macros in the Macros pane and instead to have to click on an ambiguous icon in Library. I'm not trying to be awkward, only wanting to pass back feedback that might help other users in the future.

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Hi AdrianR,

It works basically like this: you use the Macro panel to record the steps of a single macro. You then have two options: you can save/load these steps to/from an external file with the .afmacro extension (it contains the steps of a single macro thus no S in the end) using the Export/Importt icons on the top right of the Macro panel or send that macro to one of the sections of the Library where you can organise sets of macros. It's from here (the Library) that you can export one of the categories (clicking the menu icon in front of each category) as a set of macros (each one with their own steps) to an external file with the extension .afmacros (with an S because is a set of several macros).


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Thanks for update and freebies. All loaded no problems.

Just small query is the macro pack the same as macros that were available for Mac that I downloaded in 2016 or are these updated and should replace the previous ones?

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression"

Dell Inspiron 5570 i5-8250u | 8gb | SSD.m2 | Win 10 Pro 64

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2 minutes ago, mapline said:


Thanks for update and freebies. All loaded no problems.

Just small query is the macro pack the same as macros that were available for Mac that I downloaded in 2016 or are these updated and should replace the previous ones?

These macros are identical to the previous ones. 

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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I'm having trouble extracting the content from frankentoon-texturizerpro-brushes.zip.

PowerArchiver just freezes up.

I downloaded it twice but still the same.

Anyone else having ptroblems?

Maybe I'll have to get a different ZIP extractor.



I found infozip command line zip program.

It says all your free gift ZIP files are messed up and totally non standard!

What did you use to ZIP them?

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I didn't check back the whole thread here, so I'm not sure if it was mentioned already… I downloaded all free content and so I also checked out the "tom-chalky-handcrafted-fonts-textures" archive. In this archive separate PNG files are included. Those seem to be entirely uncompressed… requiring usually more than 50 MB, 70 MB, or even more, per file disk space. Running a simple OptiPNG on them will greatly reduce their size (going down to small file sizes of often less than 200KB).


Storing maybe around 400MB (for everything from that archive) compared to almost 4 GB will make a noticeable difference on smaller working SSDs. :) 


The JPEGs from the other archives also benefit from a bit extra optimisation... not as much though... usually between 2% to 5%... with MozJPEG.

3D and 2D hobby(art)ist. You can follow me on Twitter: @binaryriot or Instagram: binaryriot

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10 hours ago, MEB said:



From what I can say so far, it's an OS issue:

• No offer to be seen on Mac OS X 10.8.5. Mountain Lion.

• Once I have booted the Mac from a macOS Sierra partition, the offer was there right away.


So the culprit is possibly WebKit?

WebKit on Mountain Lion is pretty much broken nowadays, due to lack of TLS 1.2 support.

MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2

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I initially could not see the download link or message, then I tried going into the menus:

Help > Welcome...

And one of the splash images contained the Free Content Download link.

I hope this helps :)


PS. I'm on a Windows 7 system, and as soon as I clicked the link was taken to a "Your Order Summary" page, from where I was able to order the free content, and am downloading as I type.

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Hi all,

I was the first in this topic to not see the downloads. 'Glad' to see I was not alone. I've read all 7 pages here and...

Just to let you know: to me also CHANGING LANGUAGE WORKS TO GET TO THE DOWNLOADS. And also here 7-zip choked on QuickStart_Guide.pdf but windows zipper didn't. So I'm set now, got everything.

So I don't know, but I think maybe I've been missing a lot of news/info on these welcome screens, as they never showed anything before and are now bristling with life. This seems to have been a bug since at least 1.5 when I bought it. But you're already looking into it, so my saying it is rather moot :)

May I say here I think you are on a golden path! Both Photo and Designer are amazing! I'm 'getting' it much faster then I ever did in the Adobe apps. And it's about fricking time somebody seriously challenged the industry moguls at Adobe :D:D They really lost me in the subscription model, but even before it was a bit of love/hate: you know you can do many things, but many times tasks take way too much time figuring out. Starting in the Affinity apps I probably have a headstart of all those years in Adobe, but man, what a refreshing experience! I found new joy in designing things.

A few days ago the 'Big news' was that Adobe CC 2018 could now edit in 360... As you can imagine, I had a very hard and satisfying laugh when I heard it! :D:D Keep beating them at their own game Affinity!

Thanks everyone for the tips here that led to the downloads, and MANY thanks to Affinity for creating such marvelous apps!

regards, Frank

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Just now, Besli said:

Aloha everyone, so excited about the update, but has anyone been able to download the free offer? I have done just about everything above, and no luck yet??? Thank you so much in anticipation. :) 

Did you try to change the language in edit>preferences>general? That seems to have helped most, including me.

regards, Frank

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changing language does not help..


Restart machine does not work.


Since all owner of the products can create account with your store and have the licensing there, why can we all download the free content offer from within there?  It would be the same as the welcome screen.



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Aloha, I have tried everything I know how to do, and am still unable to access the new ACCESS screen. I bought both Affinity Designer, and Photo from the iTunes store last year; and also purchased the book from the Affinity store. I turned off my firewall, changed the language, and numerous restarts - I have updated everything and no luck getting the yummy, yummy (I'm sure) free content with the 1.6 update!!! :'(  Any suggestions again, would be so appreciated! Thank YOU!!!! :)


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Dear All,


I was also unable to claim the freebies,as i am an existing user. This is what i did to claim them:

> First we need to install the update for affinity photo or affinity designer 1.6 by downloading them from the link provided.

> Once version 1.6 update has been installed,use the following menu path:

               Help > Welcome

you will see a screen with sliding images[P.S.Make sure that you are connected to the Internet]. wait for the images to scroll or scroll between them by clicking the small circles at the bottom without waiting and click the 'Free content downloads! [Claim Now]' button[a green color button with white text] showing the slide.

You will now be taken to a link where you need to choose the following:

'Existing Users' tab and enter your Affinity credentials for Affinity store. For new users select the first option.

Once Logged in you will be shown the bonuses,click the 'PLACE ORDER' button[green button with white text]. You will now see an invoice generated for you and the all the bonus items are listed with 'DOWNLOAD' buttons to the right of each of them. In case you have closed the browser,you can still download them from the accounts section in the 'Downloads and Product Keys' section by clicking you account name at the top right area,once you have logged in again to your affinity account. A confirmation e-mail for the same will also be sent.


I hope this helps.




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Hi all!

Same problem that everybody has with the free content. I try everything and no luck at all! I disable anti-virus, firewall, etc, and nothing happens. I looked in my affinity store account and I only have my download links for designer and photo. :( BTW, I'm using windows version. 

Edited by Carlosgraphic
missing a frase.
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