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Free Content included with 1.6 ('Till 16th November)


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8 minutes ago, Tone838 said:

Freebies not available here. Tried the language change on both apps with no joy! Can you not just supply a link for the download...to people you know have the software?


4 minutes ago, Tone838 said:

I am running both apps on windows!


The Language>Preferences fix is Mac specific, which is most of the users here.


Please check your application is not being blocked by your firewall.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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Just now, Tony77 said:

but the content is also free for Affinity 1.5 owners ... I bought it last year not now ..... I wonder maybe it's just for new users I do not know if I understand


If you buy/own before 15th November (of the Desktop Mac or Windows version of Affinity Photo or Affinity Designer) you get the content (whichever is appropriate to your app). So new customers AND existing customers will get this from the 1.6 Desktop Welcome screen.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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Hi darcik,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

If you have bought the apps thought the Mac App Store there's no way to link them to the Affinity Store account (we only sell the Windows versions there). To get the free extras just login in the Affinity Store with the e-mail/password you used to create the account then click your name in the top righ of the interface and select Downloads & Product Keys. You will find the links to the extras there.

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16 minutes ago, MEB said:

Hi Ex_Medic,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Please check the information posted in the first thread here. Let us know if you still have trouble.



Thanks for the reply, I had already tried all the instructions and suggestions posted here from the start of the thread before I posted.  I'm running Windows and tried changing the language several times and now know from Patrick's post that changing the language only works on mac. Checked firewall and antivirus, there are no issues there and they are not blocking the affinity content. The content link isn't there, will try again tomorrow to see if it has been resolved.

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14 minutes ago, imdawat said:

I upgraded to affinity photo 1.6, disabled all anti-virus, checked to make sure my language was set to English.  Welcome screen looks exactly like before.  No links to free content.

Please change away from english and restart and then back to english, does that help?

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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16 minutes ago, MEB said:

Hi darcik,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

If you have bought the apps thought the Mac App Store there's no way to link them to the Affinity Store account (we only sell the Windows versions there). To get the free extras just login in the Affinity Store with the e-mail/password you used to create the account then click your name in the top righ of the interface and select Downloads & Product Keys. You will find the links to the extras there.

I have also followed these instructions to login to my Affinity Store account and go to downloads and product keys, the links are not there, only the one to Affinity Photo, will check tomorrow.

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3 minutes ago, another forum said:

Tried changing the default language (Mac version), didn't work. When clicking on the link it only takes me to the store page https://affinity.store/en-us/

no free content downloads

What link takes you to the store page? Please describe or screenshot the welcome screen as you see it, and what "link" you mean. There are 3 pages each with a different link.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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Just now, Ex_Medic said:

I have also followed these instructions to login to my Affinity Store account and go to downloads and product keys, the links are not there, only the one to Affinity Photo, will check tomorrow.

You need to claim the free content by following the link from the software to ADD it to your account, like "claiming it". It is not already there (as you have seen). The instructions in the first post of this thread explain you need to click on the link and sign in to claim it, not just sign in.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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17 minutes ago, darcik said:

The Downloads & Product Keys section is grey and I'm not able to click on it.

Have you claimed the free content from the welcome screen link?

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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3 hours ago, MEB said:

Finding the Offer

If you Purchase Affinity Designer or Affinity Photo for Desktop (Mac or Windows, not iPad) OR you already own Affinity on Mac or Windows, then you can also download the free content in the launch offer by updating Affinity to 1.6 and click the "Claim Now" button in the Welcome screen. The offer is only open until November 16th, so hurry up 

If you have the Welcome screen turned off (in Preferences) then you can still access the Welcome screen from the Help menu > "Welcome..." option


IF YOU CANNOT SEE THE OFFER, users are suggestion a work around, by going to "Edit" > "Preferences" > "General" and changing the Language from "Default" to your language, for example "English" and restarting the app.

Note: Windows does not have a "Default" language option, but does have an internal concept of one and so you would need to change the language away from the correctly displayed setting to a different incorrect language and then back again to your chosen language before restarting. 

You will also need to give your software firewall clearance in order to see the pages that looks like these attachments.


If that does not work and you are using the purchased version (not trial or beta) then please add to this thread and we will try to help.

Claiming Your Content

Once you have clicked on the "Claim Now" you will be taken to the Affinity Store (a shopping basket on our website).


You will ONLY have an Affinity Store account if you have bought the Windows version of Affinity Designer or the Windows version of Affinity Photo or the Affinity Designer Workbook from our site Affinity.Store.

If you bought the Mac version from the Mac App Store you need to create an Affinity Store account to claim the free content. 

A forum account is not an Affinity Store account, so if that's all you have you will need to create an account too.

A Serif legacy account (used to buy the Plus range) is NOT an affinity store account, the databases are 100%independent. 


So to claim your Free content simply make an account by using the "New To Affinity?" option on the store as you claim your content. (If you happen to have an account the New to affinity option will tell you anyway, so everyone can use that option)





I have updated both, gave firewall clearance, checked my store, but I can't find any free content.....

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1 minute ago, Patrick Connor said:

You need to claim the free content by following the link from the software to ADD it to your account, like "claiming it". It is not already there (as you have seen). The instructions in the first post of this thread explain you need to click on the link and sign in to claim it, not just sign in.

I'm sorry Patrick but I had already explained that I've done all that in my previous post, I was just attempting to follow MEB's suggestions as I had quoted, like all the others here the welcome screen isn't appearing to be able to make that claim. I will wait until it is obviously resolved and try again.    

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I am also stuck. Already changed the default browser from Firefox to Chrome, anti virus software is not blocking, changed the language several times, however nothing will be displayed (Windows).

No way do download the addons in the store, only the donwload links for Photo and Designer are available.



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Just now, Ex_Medic said:

I'm sorry Patrick but I had already explained that I've done all that in my previous post, I was just attempting to follow MEB's suggestions as I had quoted, like all the others here the welcome screen isn't appearing to be able to make that claim. I will wait until it is obviously resolved and try again.    

I think we will be able to resolve this to serve up the feed programmatically at our end, without any need to patch the software. I'm alone in the office now, so please try again tomorrow (afternoon) and I think that all the people not able to see the welcome pages WILL be able to thenn


I was simply trying to help you guys tonight, but as this must be frustrating I suggest you wait for wait for us to fix this our end tomorrow, thank you (ALL) for your help so far and I suggest that you now wait until we post back that we think it has been fixed.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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14 minutes ago, Patrick Connor said:

Have you claimed the free content from the welcome screen link?

Yes, when I click on the claim button it brings up the Affinity store, but it brings me to the home page.  When I sign in, I still don't have access to any content.  When I watch the URL as I click on the Claim link, it starts to take me to the Checkout page, but then automatically changes to the home page.

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5 minutes ago, darcik said:

Yes, when I click on the claim button it brings up the Affinity store, but it brings me to the home page.  When I sign in, I still don't have access to any content.

That is strange, what is your default browser, and could you (temporarily) try a different one as your default perhaps?

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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