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Custom, or Video frame sizes?

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I see no way to create custom frame sizes (aspect ratios).  I work with graphics mostly for video/broadcast/film, and having preset sizes would be vitally important.  As of now, there is no way for me to get this, as far as I am able to see.

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I am not quite sure of the question. Did you try new document and set your type to web and selecting one of the page presets? Alternatively you use custom preset as well.

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Web color profiles are not video profiles.  And why would you put broadcast/film presets under "Web"?  So I would have to manually adjust, for every new document, depending on the frame size of the video we're currently working on.  I see nowhere to save a custom preset, either.  This is for broadcast and theatrical showings, not the web.  Both Pixelmater and Photoshop do this.  Would be super nice to have broadcast/film presets, and a way to save custom user presets.

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I understand what you mean I was purely focused on the core of your question about frame size and aspect ratio. I understand the color profile difference issue you point out. What profile are you using, I am assuming it the ICC profile? The sRGB profile  most use for web ofcourse is for monitor color space for people are producing video for the web. I agree with you there should be a category for Broadcast which would signifying the difference between the two color methods. As for your custom preset conundrum Alternatively, you could set up one document as a template AP/AD file and just duplicate  and rename it for every instance you need to create a file for that way you won't have to go through setting up the new document menu selection every time. It is a temporary work around until saving presets becomes available. 


I would definitely would go to the feature request section of the forum and add your request.

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