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[] Russian translation needs some work

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Hello there.

My name is Maks, I am Russian and although I don't care about software having Russian translation (I always prefer English versions), I've decided to check the translation of Affinity Designer for any kind of problems to report and within 5 minutes found a few glaring issues.

Here are some screenshots of text not fitting into given space (red lines are made by me, obviously):







Here are some lonely English tourists, lol: http://joxi.ru/Y2LBYbZCnQ0LOr.jpg


And in some places, translations don't make a lot of sense or should be improved:

http://joxi.ru/D2PGYlOCdk3Rpm.jpg - "Уровень серого фона монтажной области" is not too bad, but you can safely make it "Уровень серого в монтажной области" - a bit shorter, but the meaning is easier to understand. Another problem is that "Темная" is an adjective, "Свет" is a noun. Putting them together in that context is weird. Also "Темная" is a feminine word, yet it refers to "Стиль" which is a masculine word. So these two words should be replaced with "Темный" and "Светлый".

http://joxi.ru/EA4jzg8HDOeKqm.jpg - while not wrong, they look weird. In most apps these are translated as: "Настройки..." for Preferences... and "Вид" for View

http://joxi.ru/LmGGeb6CRJVYam.jpg - once again not too bad, but can and should be done better. "Гауссово размытие" for Gaussian Blur, "Наложение цвета" for Colour Overlay, "Наложение градиента" for Gradient Overlay.


I am not sure if I will be testing it furthermore, but if I do - I will report any other problems I find.


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