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Hy guys !

I'm discovering affinity for a few hours, and it's becoming really fun. I'm coming from photoshop and always had problems to understand Illustrator... and now I can have both in one, and it's quite easy to use ! That's great.

My question is about the layers. I need to copy layers styles (for example outline etc)... but I can find the option ! For now my right click doesn't work on the layer box and I'm not finding it in the menu. Is this option of layer style copy possible ? 

thanks !!


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Yeeepee ! Perfect !!! Thank you so much MEB ! Nice to meet you, by the way ^^


And I have another embarrassing question... (I'm discovering) when I want to export to photoshop I loose every layer, everything is rasterized. Am I doing something wrong or the compatibility is only psd > affinity ? (I would like to pass at affinity, but I'm working with photoshop too and would like to jump from one to another..)

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You're welcome @mylitlestudio. Nice to meet you too  ;).

Regarding PSD export, we are continuously improving all our export formats. If you try our latest beta, you will probably get a better output already. With that said some Affinity Designer features aren't directly translated to the PSD format since it doesn't support them. We are doing our best to turn the interchange process as much compatible and seamless as possible.


In case you want to try the lates beta, you can get it from here. You can install it along your MAS version since they don't interfere one each other. Just note you can't open files created or saved with the Beta in the MAS version.

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  • 2 years later...

Hello mylittlestudio,

Welcome to Affinity Forums.

You can use Edit -> Copy (cmd+C) and Edit -> Paste Style (or shift+cmd+V) to copy styles between objects.

I was wondering about this too and this instruction helped, thanks :D . But I am still a bit confused by something. I wrote two different texts (each text was in its own layer). For the first one, I made certain adjustments to it by adding an outer shadow and an outline. I tried to copy these exact adjustments to the other text by using the method that you stated and pressing cmd+C and shift+cmd+V. But, I did not get the same amounts of outer shadow and outline (as I did on the original layer). My new text had an outline and an outer shadow but the slider was adjusted differently. I am not sure what I did wrong in trying to copy the layer style/FX and I would appreciate some feedback. (I also tried copying the styles by using Edit -> Paste FX which didn't work either).


Thank you so much :)

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Hi, Marcuss,


Copying a style and copying an fx are 2 different things, as I think you've noticed. I'm not sure what happened w. your attempt, but I made 2 text string layers, both Arial font, but different point sizes. When I applied both an outer shadow and an outline to the larger, and then copied them to the smaller, the point sizes of the fx stayed the same. Point sizes of the effects stayed the same when I changed the font on the smaller.  So I don't quite know what happened w. your case. Maybe just try again.

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Hi Marcuss,


It seems that the radius of the outer shadow varies according to the length of the text, which is not logical, the shadow being applied to each letter and not to the whole group at one time. However, the contour size does not change.

I am not on Mac but on Windows and the problem is similar.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This big happens with objects that have masks too. I have a masked pizza, (I work for a pizza chain) and seems that pasting a shadow effect to get the same size radius and distance is never consistent. I get all sorts of variations of the effect and I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the fact that there's a mask and AD/AP reads the entire object pixels and applies it with that instead of the mask size.

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Just ran test on my theory and it seems this is the case for me in my masked object (pizza in this case). AD/AP disregards that there is mask applied and doesn't apply the fx to the masked object but calculates the paste on the total pixel count of the object. I hope they look into this! Defeats copying and pasting styles if there are masks. In order for me to get the exact size shadow effect I had to rasterize the masked pizza to get a consistent paste.

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