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Problem changing color: Me or my new Mac (Yosemite)?

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This is very basic, I know, but I've been beating my head against the wall for weeks, watching youtube videos, and trying to follow the forum. Nothing works, and I'm beginning to think I'm as dumb as a potato. That, or could it be the trackpad of my new Macbook Pro Retina/Yosemite machine is defective? (Could it be Yosemite is the culprit?)


In Adobe Illustrator, changing the color of a selected object (the Background layer in the attached Affinity file) was a simple matter of clicking on the swatch color I wanted to change it to. This doesn't work in Affinity. Double-clicking on the Fill/Stroke swapper brings up the Colour Chooser, where I can select different colors if desired, but clicking Close does not apply the color. Clicking on a swatch color or a color in the color wheel does nothing.


Am I just doing it wrong, or is there something wrong with my machine? I tried holding down Control and resetting everything, but I still have the problem.


I was using the beta, but stopped because something had gotten screwy (I forget what), so this is the 1.1.2 App Store version. What should I do? Thanks in advance for your help.


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It's not working because that layer is a pixel layer (raster) not a vector layer. If you are in the Draw persona the vector tools will have no effect on it.

If you want to change it's color keeping it as a pixel layer, go to Pixel Persona (second icon on the top left of Affinity interface), select the Flood Fill tool, select the color you want on the color wheel and click on the background (make sure you have the Background (Adjust) layer selected). 


Or you can create a rectangle (shape) with the same color in the Draw Persona, covering the same area to replace that bitmap layer. You can then change the fill color as you're describing.

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I ran into the same problem, trying to change the background colour when beginning a new project.

I don't really have the answer, but my solution was to simply create a square that filled the background, change the colour of that and save it as the background layer.


Hope this helps.


(MEB you beat me to it LOL)

 OS X Yosemite on a 2014 15" MacBook Pro Retina 2.2 GHz i7 16GB Intel Iris Pro 1536MB


Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

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