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  • 3 months later...

Thought I'd bump this again, as it seems such an obvious thing to have:


So you have an adjustment mask that you brush in and then you want to change it and start over.  IOW, you want to clear (or fill) and restart.  Is there a shortcut for doing this?


(I note that you can sometimes clear a mask which has been added to an adjustment, by using the delete key, though I haven't worked out why and when yet.  This is good and bad/confusing, since everywhere else, the delete key deletes the layer)

Grumpy, but faithful (watch out all you cats)

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Thanks for the suggestion owenr.


It's not bad and I've assigned shift-F5 to a Wacom button ... but it would be much better if I could skip the dialog ... which always open at the bottom of the screen?!?  Who's idea was that???

Grumpy, but faithful (watch out all you cats)

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32 minutes ago, JimmyJack said:

You can use the Paint Bucket fill tool (with 100% tolerance).


That was the first thing I tried, but it doesn't behave as you would hope, when the mask has been brushed in/out.


Instead, it fills areas, but seems to be kind of blocked by the areas that have been brushed.  It may well be bug, as I can't see why it would be intended behaviour.

Grumpy, but faithful (watch out all you cats)

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3 minutes ago, GFS said:


That was the first thing I tried, but it doesn't behave as you would hope, when the mask has been brushed in/out.


Instead, it fills areas, but seems to be kind of blocked by the areas that have been brushed.  It may well be bug, as I can't see why it would be intended behaviour.


Hmm. Seems fine here. Are you at 100% tolerance?.

Maybe a Mac/PC thing? (I'm on Mac)

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