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Affinity Photo. / Designer


Question is;    how to create an effect that resembles adobe photo’s   smart layer.  Specifically; to create a t-shirt mock up template.


In adobe you make a smart layer that holds a mesh adjustment, with a text layer that allows changing copy, and the base layer of the model in a t-shirt.

     note; Holds the adjustment, so the adjustment is there and will be applied to anything in its folder, thus leaving the text/object free to be changed without changing the mesh.


In Affinity I have found no way to create a layer that will hold the mesh adjustment = without rasterizing the text.

and importing an adobe file redefines the "smart layer" / since there is no actual equivalent in Photo. 


WHY is this important?   the mesh makes the text / or graphic wrap to the wrinkles and curves and around the body - so to speak, of the shirt. We are talking about doing “a step beyond” displacement and ambient occlusion. 





  This forces one to remake the mesh for each change.

= now I am thinking to try to apply the mesh to a gray layer, and change the layer blend mode,  

= if there were a Style that was a mesh, that would be similar, i think.  


any ideas on this?    :blink: 

  • Staff

Hi Karl Works,


At the moment we don't have an alternative to PhotoShop Smart Layers unfortunately. We would like to have an alternative to them available in the future but we don't have an ETA just yet.



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

  • Staff

Hi Karl, I'm not sure if I've followed you 100%, but have you tried grouping your layers into a group then applying live filters to that group?


For example, you could have your text layer plus an image layer, group them, then apply Live Perspective and Live Displace filters to that group. You can then avoid rasterising your text and other layers and keep them editable.


There's no live mesh warp unfortunately, but you might be able to use other live filters - spherical, pinch/punch, distortion, perspective etc - to achieve what you're after. I've attached a mockup (apologies for the random robin shot!) to show what I mean.


Hope that helps, and apologies if it's not the approach you're after.


@JamesR_Affinity for Affinity resources and more
Official Affinity Photo tutorials


Hi Karl, I'm not sure if I've followed you 100%, but have you tried grouping your layers into a group then applying live filters to that group?


, you could have your text layer plus an image layer, group them, then apply Live Perspective and Live Displace filters to that group. You can then avoid rasterising your text and other layers and keep them editable.


There's no live mesh warp unfortunately, but you might be able to use other live filters - spherical, pinch/punch, distortion, perspective etc - to achieve what you're after. I've attached a mockup (apologies for the random robin shot!) to show what I mean.


thanks, that does avoid rasterising, but i am still trying to get it to only effect the text,   I am still "poking at it"  if i find something useful i will post it back.


here is a sample of one of the templates,  where the letters conform to the wrinkles in the shirt, yet the text is editable. 


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