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Well, I think I am slowly getting better at this program.  I discovered transparency mode which really helped my blue girl.  (3rd try drawing from a sketch)  I also slapped on a couple of texture images that I photographed from my monoprint works.


As for the girl in pink, well, she still needs a lot more work.  More contrast mostly, and I'm sure I am making her much more complex than she needs to be.  (2nd sketch attempt)


. . . . You /don't/ want to see my first attempt at drawing something from my sketchbook in Affinity . . . . *right?*


--Would masks help retain the original edges of base shapes? I have a lot of overlapping edges with layers shifting on me when I reshape them to make shadows.


I think I'm about ready to get back to compass roses and spaceships, which just incorporate simple shape patterns and are super fun.  :-)  It's interesting to discover how easy it is to make geometric forms digitally with the right program.  Love love love the shape tools and convert to curves tool.  Command J is growing on me too.


If you guys have any tips or criitiques, lay on, McDuff!






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Your blue girl work is very impressive - looks very artistic and considered. I also like the pink girl is really well done - very bold and clean, but as you say, maybe in need of a few bits to finish the picture. These are amazing works for somebody who is starting out on their journey with the package - I'm really excited about seeing what you come up with next! :D

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Nice start @penwiper. You're getting the hang of it.

Regarding your question, there's a couple ways to accomplish it (called clipping). 

Draw you base shape and then drag other shapes over it on the layers panel. They will be limited by the boundaries of the original shape.

Another way to do the same: select your base object and then click on the last icon on the top toolbar - a white circle with a corner of a blue rectangle inside - (Insert inside the selection). Then draw a new object. It will be inserted inside the selected object.


You can also use masks, but there's really no need if all you want to do is just putting objects inside others.

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Hi penwiper, re: Blue girl, If Picasso painted a bit more anatomically correct, then it would look like this. You should be very proud of it! Well done.


The only thing it needs is....printing and mounting :D

MacBook pro, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB, OS X 10.11.6



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