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If anyone has the time or inclination, I would very much appreciate some clue why my bar lines have such jagged edges in them. I normally work in PS but am trying to work a little bit in AD. So, for the sake of the piece, I can "fix" it in PS but am curious why this is here. I used a conical gradient on the lines and would never expect to see these edges (albeit with virtually no vector work under my belt at all, my expectations are probably not a very good guideline). 


On a separate note, with one or two exceptions, when I try to download some of the great resources offered here, the files download as exec files instead of zips. Again, expectations are not met. I don't usually have this kind of problem, normally my Mac just does everything it is supposed to. Any clues there either? Loving the program and these forums but starting to feel incredibly ignorant.

Though I Sang in my Chains Jaggies.afdesign

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  • Staff

The 'jaggies' you're seeing are simply from your fill - it is a conical fill that starts and ends on a different colour. If you simply change your gradient to start and end on the same colour, but then very shortly after transition to the different colour you were after then you will not see this effect, it will instead smoothly transition. It is the only part of any fill type which exhibits this artefact - and it is simply because it is not a certainty that you intended to make a sharp transition between two colours or a smooth one. Perhaps I should change it to automatically smooth the transition?




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Thank you for your reply. It was definitely there and, as I said, I was able to fix it no problem with PS. Please don't change anything in the program on my account! I don't have a flipping clue what I am doing, I was just curious and I think your answer makes sense. I really do appreciate how people take the time to look at these things and respond (staff and non staff). 

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