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Closed Curves With Vector Brush – Gap?

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Say I stroke a closed shape with a Vector Brush (in Designer). 

There is always a gap at the terminal point.


Say you don't want the gap. No matter how you edit the brush's Properties

– including Head or Tail Offset, Overlap, Pull, etc., – 

there's always a gap at the closing node.


Is there a trick I don't know? (Besides opening the curve and tugging the end nodes for visual stroke overlap.)


Wouldn't visual vector-brush stroke closure be a desirable feature for some/many purposes?

¿Could this option be designed into Brush Properties, in a later A.D. update?


thanks in advance,


– pbass

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Hi pbass,

We are already aware of this issue. If you break the curve (the node) where the gap is located it may close the gap (depending on the brush). To do it select the Node Tool, select the node where the gap is located and press Break Curve from the Action section the context toolbar.

Thanks MEB,


Glad to hear it's going to get looked at.


Yes, that Breaking-the-node does do something. It's kind of unpredictable, though. Once I've broken it, changing various Properties settings for the vector brush have different effects. 

Some give the opposite problem: "Crossover" – where the ends of the stroke stick out past the node a bit. Or weird amputation of the ends...


Attached is an example.

(To see just the stroke without the skeleton & nodes, but without deselecting, I just toggle Z or H...)


Just for fun, in the brushes 'Properties', try pressing 'Corners –>Fold'. :^D!


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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 months later...
On 3/19/2017 at 9:30 PM, MEB said:

We are already aware of this issue. If you break the curve (the node) where the gap is located it may close the gap (depending on the brush). To do it select the Node Tool, select the node where the gap is located and press Break Curve from the Action section the context toolbar.


Leider bin auch ich ein Opfer dieses Fehlers geworden. Der Umweg über das Öffnen der Kurve ist sehr umständlich, und bei Verwendung einer breiten Kontur mit speziellen Pinseln mehr als unhandlich. Als Beispiel nenne ich hier ein Buntglasfenster. Das besteht aus 10 bis 50 oder noch mehr Glasfenstern, die durch einen Metallrahmen getrennt sind. So etwas in AD zu erstellen ist bei diesem Programmfehler schon schwierig, will man nachträglich die Konturbreite nur etwas verändern, wird es unmöglich bis unerträglich.
Bitte diesen Programmfehler möglichst in AD 1.9 beheben.


Unfortunately, I have become a victim of this error. The detour via the opening of the curve is very cumbersome, and in the case of use of a wide contour with special brushes more than unwieldy. As an example, here is a stained glass window. This consists of 10 to 50 or even more-glass Windows, which are separated by a metal frame. To create it in the AD with is this bug is very difficult, if you want to subsequently change the contour width a little bit, it is impossible to unbearable. I hope, that Serif will fix this error, if possible, in AD 1.9.


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  • 5 weeks later...
39 minutes ago, anon2 said:

Problem for us is that there is more money to be made from new features and new products.

Verständlich. Doch wenn die vorhandenen Werkzeuge nicht ausreichend gut funktionieren, werden Nutzer lieber ein anderes Programm verwenden, das nicht solche Schwächen und Fehler hat.

Understandable. But if the existing tools do not work sufficiently well, users will prefer to use another program that does not have such weaknesses and bugs.

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30 minutes ago, SunRiseMoon said:

Understandable. But if the existing tools do not work sufficiently well, users will prefer to use another program that does not have such weaknesses and bugs.

Maybe Serif will put more emphasis on bug fixes and UX after a few more years of the present business strategy.

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18 minutes ago, anon2 said:

Maybe Serif will put more emphasis on bug fixes and UX after a few more years of the present business strategy.

Da gibt es doch eine Firma, deren Flugzeuge nicht mehr fliegen dürfen, nicht wahr?
Man muss eben auch auch drängende Fehler rasch reagieren, auch einfache Wünsche implementieren. Angeblich soll ja in Version 1.9 auch das Speichern mehrerer Arbeitsbereiche möglich sein, auch das wurde von Nutzern gewünscht.
Es muss eine Ausgewogenheit von Behebung von Fehlern und der Erweiterung des Funktionsumfangs bestehen. Man kann nicht in ein paar Jahren den Vorsprung von einigen Jahrzehnten aufholen, zumindest kaum bei 3 Programmen und 2 oder gar 3 verschiedenen Plattformen. Wenn die Stabilität und Qualität nicht stimmen, verliert man mehr als man in doch sehr kurzer Zeit gewonnen hat.

There's a company whose planes are no longer allowed to fly, isn't it?
You also have to react quickly to urgent mistakes and implement even simple wishes. Supposedly, version 1.9 is supposed to be able to save multiple workspaces, which was also requested by users.
There has to be a balance between bug fixing and the extension of the functional range. One cannot catch up in a few years the lead of some decades, at least hardly with 3 programs and 2 or even 3 different platforms. If the stability and quality is not right, you lose more than you gained in a very short time.

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3 minutes ago, SunRiseMoon said:

Da gibt es doch eine Firma, deren Flugzeuge nicht mehr fliegen dürfen, nicht wahr?
Man muss eben auch auch drängende Fehler rasch reagieren, auch einfache Wünsche implementieren. Angeblich soll ja in Version 1.9 auch das Speichern mehrerer Arbeitsbereiche möglich sein, auch das wurde von Nutzern gewünscht.
Es muss eine Ausgewogenheit von Behebung von Fehlern und der Erweiterung des Funktionsumfangs bestehen. Man kann nicht in ein paar Jahren den Vorsprung von einigen Jahrzehnten aufholen, zumindest kaum bei 3 Programmen und 2 oder gar 3 verschiedenen Plattformen. Wenn die Stabilität und Qualität nicht stimmen, verliert man mehr als man in doch sehr kurzer Zeit gewonnen hat.

There's a company whose planes are no longer allowed to fly, isn't it?
You also have to react quickly to urgent mistakes and implement even simple wishes. Supposedly, version 1.9 is supposed to be able to save multiple workspaces, which was also requested by users.
There has to be a balance between bug fixing and the extension of the functional range. One cannot catch up in a few years the lead of some decades, at least hardly with 3 programs and 2 or even 3 different platforms. If the stability and quality is not right, you lose more than you gained in a very short time.

Yes, it's a very difficult balancing act and only time can tell whether Serif are making good decisions for the future of the Affinity products and the Serif company.

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  • 6 months later...
40 minutes ago, artemesia66 said:

It seems like it would be an easy fix: >If shape is closed, then no head or tail.

Nur sind leider die geschlossenen Kurven das Problem. Man muss nur als Kontur einen Pinsel nehmen, und schon geht alles schief.😁
Alle betroffenen hoffen auf die Version 1.9.

Unfortunately, the closed curves are the problem. You just have to take a brush as a stroke and everything goes wrong.
All concerned hope for version 1.9.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

The number of these bugs that seem would be easy to fix that have been open for years is seriously giving me pause on whether or not I should continue investing my time into Affinity.  Affinity should do a release of nothing but bug fixes to catch up at this point.  I've encountered more bugs than I have time to even report.  And the fact that reported bugs don't get fixed lowers my motivation to even do so.

Please make the features that already exist actually work.

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Vor vier Jahren (19.3.2017) MEB QA/Suppoert: "We are already aware of this issue". Dass man in dieser Zeit diesen Programmierfehler nicht behoben hat grenzt tatsächlich an Ignoranz.
Der Vorschlag, die Kurve zu öffnen ist für eine sehr schwache Notlösung für eine einmalige Verwendung. Scheitert jedoch spätestens bei der Verwendung von Pinseln kläglich.
Keine Ahnung, was sich Affinity dabei denkt, oder ob überhaupt jemand nachdenkt.
Eine Schande, ist richtig peinlich. Bei solcher Trägheit kann man Affinity-Software nicht mehr mit gutem Gewissen empfehlen.

Four years ago ( 3/19/2017) MEB QA/Suppoert: "We are already aware of this issue". The fact that this bug has not been fixed in this time is really bordering on ignorance.
The suggestion to open the curve is for a very weak stopgap solution for a one-time use. However, fails miserably at the latest when using brushes.
No idea what Affinity is thinking, or if anyone is thinking at all.
A shame, is really embarrassing. With such inertia, one can no longer recommend Affinity software with a clear conscience.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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14 minutes ago, SunRiseMoon said:

"We are already aware of this issue"

This has become such a familiar refrain from the folks at Serif, and after seeing countless issues often dating back years all receive the same response, and without any fix or signal (ahem, ROADMAP) in sight it's difficult to remain optimistic about the future of the Affinity Suite. And while the desktop apps feel unloved, the iPad apps are beginning to feel utterly abandoned. The UX of the Adobe iPad apps (Fresco and Illustrator) is surprisingly very good. Not only do they feel very intuitive to use, the also feel like they've been designed specifically for the affordances and opportunities that the platform provides. The Affinity apps on the other hand still feel like a desktop app was hastily crammed into an iPad.

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Möglicherweise sind sie personell überfordert. Ich kenne nur die Windows-Versionen der Desktop-Programme. Das UI finde ich ganz gut konzipiert, die Bedienung ist ziemlich intuitiv. Dass man als Antwort irgendeine Worthülse bekommt, ist bei vielen Unternehmen sehr beliebt, doch irgendwann sollte man solche eklatante Schwächen erkennen und korrigieren.
Wenn Affinity mit der Arbeit von 3 Programmen auf 2 Plattformen, zusätzlich noch die iPad-Schiene, überfordert ist, dann kann das gesamte Projekt auch scheitern, was, wie ich meine, schade wäre. Ein neues, konzipiertes Grafikpaket wäre gegenüber dem Fleckerlteppich des Platzhirschen ein Labsal.

They may be overburdened with staff. I only know the Windows versions of the desktop programs. I find the UI quite well designed, the operation is quite intuitive. The fact that you get some wordy thing as an answer is very popular with many companies, but at some point, such glaring weaknesses should be recognized and corrected.
If Affinity is overwhelmed with the work of 3 programs on 2 platforms, plus the iPad track, then the whole project can also fail, which I think would be a shame. A new, conceived graphics package would be a refreshment opposite the rag rug of the top dog.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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  • 6 months later...

It is annoying. The "overlap"feature kind of fixes this but the result is not ideal. It's just "okay," and, now that I have worked with it a bit more, doesn't always work to close the gap. I have been pretty disappointed with Affinity so far. It could be such a powerful application suite, but if I am looking for alternatives.

Edited by ngolay
qualifying my previous version because the "overlap"feature seems to help some. Still not great.
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  • 3 weeks later...

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