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Shouldn't Rectangle and Circle/Ellipse be editable curves from the start?

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Hey guys,


while i see the benefit of converting to curves for shapes that have editable parameters(such as cog, star, etc.), i don't see why you would have to convert a square or circle/ellipse to curves before being able to edit them. Those shapes being basic should be editable from the start, convert to curves just adds one more click and can become annoying.


The facebook moderator told me that rectangle could be merged with rounded rectangle tool in the future.


Perhaps is best having the rectangle be an editable curve by default and only turning into non-editable when you set rounded corners. Even though, rounded corner radius could be applied on a corner point even if the shape is not a rectangle.

What do you think?

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Yes, we are considering merging rectangle with rounded rectangle, and ellipse with donut.


Contrary to what you are asking, other people are asking to be able to change the corners of a rectangle (to be a rounded rectangle).  For this to work, it would have to be maintained as a specific shape object, and not a curve object.

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Yes, then you could make it editable from the start and if people add rounded corners to it then turn it into a non-editable path.

There is of course a more general solution, in which you can edit the path from the start, move the vertices around and still be able to apply rounding on all corners points that have collapsed tangents. The path could be changed from a rectangle to a trapezoid or another polygon and then rounded. After that you'd still be able to move the corners around and the path rounding would update accordingly until you click Convert to Curve. Once you do that it expands the path and you and the corners are not interactive anymore, you move them they lose tangency.


Adobe does it pretty well, except for when you move the rounded corners around. Then the path loses shape.


This plugin does it right, you might want to check it out: http://www.astutegraphics.com/software/vectorscribe/  ----> Dynamic Corners Tool


Hope this helps.

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