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Bounding box is gone

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I had put in a Feature Rrequest to have a key stroke added that would hide the bounding box, like Photoshop uses a cmd H.  The answer fellow users said is that it's not needed just press the space bar.  I have been doing that, so I was just doing that in the new Beta to try to get gradients on neighboring objects to match.  I had the space bar pushed down when I clicked to disable a gradient in the Layer Effects panel.  Now I can't get the bounding box back.  I was in the Node tool, if I switch to the Move tool the bounding box is there for the Move tool.  I have found that if I kill the bounding box in the Move tool then it works in the Node tool.  Unless I kill it in both as it is now.


Switching to a different layer doesn't bring it back.


When I said I wanted a way to turn off the bounding box I meant I needed to have it such that I could turn it back on again. :D  Okay I got what I said I wanted, but...


In MAS a space bar causes the gradient in Layer Effects to flicker disable-enable-disenable but not turn off the bounding box even temporarily (when the Layer Effects panel is selected).

iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) with macOS Sierra

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