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Slice a spritesheet into multiple files

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I have a spritesheet of characters with transparent background and a common size for each characters.

Is there a fast way to export the spritesheet into multiple files with one character per file ?

Something like an automatic slicing export ?


Thanks for the program :-)

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Hi Meb,


Thanks for the reply.

I saw that video earlier, but I have a spritesheet with 90 characters sprites. I can't copy+paste my slice selection and I do not see any automatic system to slice them based on the alpha background.

If there is no such function yet, I would like to put this as a feature request :)

I've been using Pixelmator for years but it has very limited vector functions.

So I bought Affinity yesterday after a 2h trial ! Awesome product :wub:

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  • Staff

Slices will be improved soon.  I'll add copy and paste / power duplicate of slices then.


I hadn't thought about auto-slicing yet.  Might be something we can think about.

SerifLabs team - Affinity Developer
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  • 6 months later...

Hi. In the video the slices appear in a tab view on the right.. like the layer view. I don't have that view on my export persona. How on earth do I make it appear ? I've tried the View->Studio->Slices toggle but that doesn't do anything. At the moment I can only export my slices if I select each one individually 8(

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