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Is there a quick way to measure distances? My use case is: margins / paddings for web designs.


I would normally use the Marquee Tool (in pixel persona) or Rectangle Tool (vector persona) and look at the dimensions in the "Transform" panel. However, in the Pixel persona, the Marquee dimensions are not shown.


Any ideas how I can quickly do what I want?



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We will be adding distance/size/spacing indication features as part of the snapping improvements.  No reason we can't add a specific measurement tool also.


See if the new features (when they are done) fulfil your needs, then we can think about what a measurement tool might do.

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I don't really think a specific "Measurement Tool" is required. I think using a rectangle to drag/move on the screen is enough, in my opinion.


MEB, the problem I have with the Rectangle Tool in Pixel Persona is that the dimensions are not shown dynamically (like a rectangle in Draw Persona). It is only AFTER I drag'n'drop the rectangle that the Transform properties get filled in.


This is something I did not notice before and therefore I asked here.


Steps to replicate:


Pixel persona -> create rectangle -> no information in Transform

Move rectangle -> immediately the Transform fields get populated (including updated automatically when moving the rectangle)


Thanks for the answers!

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I think you misunderstood my post (or the other way around....)

There's no Rectangle Tool in Pixel Persona. I think you are referring to the Rectangular Marquee Tool. And that one doesn't update the Transform panel as you noted. Don't use it for this.


What i'm advising you is to draw a vector rectangle in the Draw persona with the Rectangle Tool and use this same rectangle in both Draw and Pixel Personas to measure things.

When you are in Pixel Persona use the Move Tool to change the rectangle position and dimensions to suit. The Transform panel will update the data in real-time.

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  • 2 months later...

I would also love to have a quick way to check distances between two objects - so useful for slicing web layouts.


I think Sketch has this thought out pretty well: you can click on an object to select it, then just hover on any other object while holding ALT to display distance. It even works for for objects inside groups if you hold down CMD as well.

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As I said earlier in this post, these improvements are coming as soon as I have time to work on them.

SerifLabs team - Affinity Developer
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  • 1 year later...

Live measuring when placing guides will be great - holding Shift while dragging could show distances between the line you drag and it's adjascent guides or edge of the document if no adjascent guid is present on the side. Presen in Adobe Fireworks, very useful !

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  • 6 months later...

Is there something new on this? Hit would be cool if affinity designer does that, it would make sense for UI/UX

For the moment I have the Dimensions plugin on chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dimensions/baocaagndhipibgklemoalmkljaimfdj

You can place your JPG in chrome, and it'll measure stuff for you, but it'll be nice if Afdesigner does it, and you can leave the measured guides on your canvas, so everything is measured. no?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi hugo bertrand,

This is already available in Designer/Photo. With an object selected, press and hold ⌘ (cmd) and move you mouse around to check the distance between that object and the others or the canvas.

I really need this feature right now but it does not appear :( v1.5.2

Could you please provide the link which explains how to use it properly?

Thank you!

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Hi 1GR3,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

You only have to press the ⌘ (cmd) key with an object selected and move the mouse (don't drag the object) over another object to check the distance between the two. See the clip (no sound) below.



Thank you for the clip - this is exactly how I imagined it would work but it does not on my machine :( Is there something in the preferences that must be checked or unchecked?

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  • 5 months later...

Hi ,-)

Draw Persona/Working with geometric forms. Is there a way to read forms measurements (ex: a square) ?

Also is there a way to scale up and scale down object based on their measurements or percentages (1/2, 1/3, etc)?


One more .-)

Is it possible to drag the zero (0) axis of the rulers to a point of choice in my document (ex: a corner of an object)?


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Hi AtelierCunha,

1. With the object selected check the Transform panel width/height dimensions. To measure in relation to other objects/spread select the object press and hold ⌘ (cmd) and mouse over the canvas or other objects to see the distances to the edges of the canvas or to other objects.


2. Yes, you can perform math operations in the input fields. So to reduce the width of an object by 50% for example just add *50% after the width value in the corresponding field in the Transform panel. Alternatively you can also replace the whole existing value by *=50%. Both notations will work. For more info about expression for field input check this Help topic.


3. No, currently it's not possible to change the ruler's origin point. This was requested quite a few times and may be added in a future version.

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11 minutes ago, MEB said:

Hi AtelierCunha,

1. With the object selected check the Transform panel width/height dimensions. To measure in relation to other objects/spread select the object press and hold ⌘ (cmd) and mouse over the canvas or other objects to see the distances to the edges of the canvas or to other objects.


2. Yes, you can perform math operations in the input fields. So to reduce the width of an object by 50% for example just add *50% after the width value in the corresponding field in the Transform panel. Alternatively you can also replace the whole existing value by *=50%. Both notations will work. For more info about expression for field input check this Help topic.


3. No, currently it's not possible to change the ruler's origin point. This was requested quite a few times and may be added in a future version.


thank you very much. Thats what I need.

Lets hope for the ruler´s origin point in the future; its very helpful.

Have a nice day .-)

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  • 2 months later...

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