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I feel sure there is a tutorial on how to work with text but cannot determine which one.  I am creating a trifold and need to single space and add bullets but cannot seem to locate those commands.  Please advise which tutorial if there is one.


I am moving from Draw Plus 8 to Affinity as I am migrating to all MAC products. I learned to "draw" electronically using Draw Plus.  I am not a designer, I am a telecom trainer, and need to create custom materials on a regular basis. (each client is customized) 

Thanks in advance for your help


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Affinity Designer doesn't have automatic bullets and numbering for lists yet: we've been told that the feature will be added once it appears in the forthcoming Affinity Publisher. Meanwhile, you'll have to type a bullet character or copy and paste it from elsewhere.


Spacing controls are available in the Paragraph panel. Go to the View menu and choose 'Studio > Paragraph' to display it.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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In addition to Alfred's advice, if you are still looking for a tutorial, see this one: vimeo.com/162509010

Frame text is covered from about 2:53 to about 4:43


Lots of useful Serif tutorials (text tutorials in section 9) listed at the top of this thread: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/10815-in-house-affinity-designer-video-tutorials/


If you are working with text, and your screen/window is wide enough, you can also quickly get to the Paragraph and Character panels by clicking the Character and Paragraph buttons on the context toolbar across the top.

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If you are using mac you can enter bullet direct from kbd but the actual key seems to be language specific: I can use alt-Q •••• but generally it is advised that alt-8 does the trick in english systems. You can also use OSX widget Character Viewer, double click to enter character to active text area:



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