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Fill Layer Mask with Black in 32 bit

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As a workaround, once you make your new layer mask (that is all white) select the mask in the layers panel if it is not already selected and Invert it (CMD-I).  Then it will be all black and fully negate the layer.


The color of masks in 32bit mode, as reported in the info panel, is sort of strange.  Even in "Edit Mask" mode, the colors read in the info palette (the 8 bit color) and in the color chooser (32bit color using the eyedropper to sample the document) indicate some intensity/color values from the image or some source that is not uniformly white or black across the mask that is supposed to be uniformly black or white.  If you use the 32bit preview tool to adjust display exposure, there is no image where the color readings in the info palette suggest there is data in the mask - that is, the mask appears uniformly white or black.  So something is not quite right or I am not exactly sure what the color readings are supposed to mean when in edit mask mode.



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