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Unhandled Exception Loading TIFF

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1. Drug a tiff file into Affinity Photo for Windows.

2. As soon as file loaded received dialog on Unhandled Exception with code 9x80004003.


The crash report submitted on starting the app again was 67fddace-9ef7-45c0-b34d-7ed8473bdd2a


Background: I have had Affinity Photo for Windows and the Help file open for about 9 hours doing general edits and following along in the videos.  And, while I was watching videos or taking a break the app remained open.  When I restarted Affinity Photo for Windows I loaded the same tiff that generated the original error without any problem.  Before I cleared the error message I used the Task Manager to see how much memory was being used and it was only 649MB.  


I think having the app open for so long may have caused the problem. Just submitting this so you an tie it to the crash report that was sent.



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