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Affinity Photo: Current Beta Status

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Hi, I experimented, that I can´t load more than certain amount (10) of Photos at the same time into the working surface, more pictures for example 80 units will block completely my PC and I have to restart my PC.
Question: A viewer function to see small pictures (like lightroom) will not be available?
Question: Will the final stage of the programe have the same features or working philosophie as the current MAC version? I asked this, because there is a video training for MAC as DVD available at Rheinwerk Germany. 
Regards Johann


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Hi Johann,


We are planning to create Digital Asset Management software similar to LightRoom in the future however it will be a standalone app and not a specific addition to Affinity Photo. The final version of Affinity Photo will have all the same features as the Mac version :)



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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