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Problems with previews

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I am afraid there is a general problem with the previews (see also https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/29136-pipette-filter-field-blur-filter-radial-blur/?p=141304/  #4). That is why I opened a new topic:


The preview does not work with grid distortion and perspective. As with the filters (and perhaps also in other cases), the preview image always jumps back to the initial position. But after the confirmation, the change is applied (see attached video).

Preview problem.wmv

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I am afraid there is a general problem with the previews (see also https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/29136-pipette-filter-field-blur-filter-radial-blur/?p=141304/  #4). That is why I opened a new topic:


The preview does not work with grid distortion and perspective. As with the filters (and perhaps also in other cases), the preview image always jumps back to the initial position. But after the confirmation, the change is applied (see attached video).

I have been very surprised to look at your video-file. Are you using AP for Windows? I am not able to get such effects  as I have only the grid on the full image.

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I have been very surprised to look at your video-file. Are you using AP for Windows? I am not able to get such effects  as I have only the grid on the full image.


Make a Double-click in the image to place a new mesh node.

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