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Photo adjustment when open raw

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Hi. I am new in affinity. I am not pro and didnt use this class software, but want to try something new. Im using designer and i love it.

So. Here is my test. I took photo raw + jpg with nikon d5100. When I open nef file in affinity photo, picture is adjusted. On screens below you can see what I mean.

http://u.lkn.pl/jpg/irfanNjpg_aMoQ.jpg- jpg opened with irfan view.

http://u.lkn.pl/jpg/irfanNnef_Rybf.jpg- nef opened with irfan view.

These photos look the same.

http://u.lkn.pl/jpg/affinityNphotoNnefNenableNassistant_T4WQ.jpg- nef opened with affinity photo with assistant enabled.

http://u.lkn.pl/jpg/affinityNphotoNnefNdisableNassistant_rxcf.jpg- nef opened with affinity photo with assistant  disabled.

These photos (both) are different from these of irfan.

I want to open nef file, and see cleen photo, with no adjustment, with camera settings. And start custom adjusting from 'zero'. As in irfan opening raw adn jpg, they are the same. No adjustments.


PS. Sorry for my english, but i am from Poland and dont use english everyday.

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I want to open nef file, and see cleen photo, with no adjustment, with camera settings. And start custom adjusting from 'zero'. As in irfan opening raw adn jpg, they are the same. No adjustments.

Swiitch off "Apply Tone Curve"




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