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Hi All,  


I am very new to Affinity, in fact I just bought it :-).  I am so excited to see that there is a way out of Adobe's clutches.  Hooray to the AD team and a big thank you.  


I am presently testing AD to see if I can make the switch.  One of the main features that I use in Illustrator is the 'Snapping'.   The reason I use Illustrator is to create vector drawings for making Marquetry.  In a marquetry one has thousands of shapes which have to be precisely matched to each other, much like a jigsaw puzzle.  


I create this by bringing in a jpeg and then converting the edges to a vector line image.  The vector line image needs to be exact so I then take the anchor points of adjoining shapes and match them up to each other by snapping.  I have been trying to use the snap tools in AD and am a little frustrated as I cannot seem to 'snap' to an anchor point of an adjoining shape.  What would be really nice, is if when one hovered over an anchor point or node that it would light up so that you could know that you were snapping to that anchor point.  Maybe this is possible and I have not yet worked out how to do it.


Many thanks




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Hi Designer123,


Welcome to the forums.


You must enable local snapping to help you align nodes, select the Node Tool, on the context toolbar press Snap to selected curves button on the Snap section, you also some other available options, just in case. Now when you drag nodes Affinity should display guidelines to help you get them aligned.

If you want to align with nodes from a different shape, you must select it too pressing shift and clicking on the shape while you're on the Node Tool.


Also on the Snapping dropdown, you have more options available that be be enabled or disabled.


If you have any suggestions on features you would like to see, please post them in the Feature Requests section of forum.

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