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I like that there is a HDR version in de program now but i am not satisfied with it.

i think adobe is also not the best for it.

Please check the program Photomatix pro and learn from it.

​Maybe in the future you guys can learn from it and make Affinity photo better.

Keep up the good work.


ps still want to organize my photos in the program all 60000 with keywords and tags the the photo app is more complete.


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  • Staff

Hi Johan buitelaar,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Can you be more specific? What would you like to see in Affinity Photo regarding HDR specifically?

Photomatix Pro is a specialised solution for HDR processing and as such offers more granular controls/tools over the process.

Which options do you miss in particular?


Affinity Photo is a RAW converter/developer and photo editing app. It doesn't manage libraries like Lightroom or Aperture. We intend to develop our own DAM solution later which will work seamlessly with Affinity Photo.

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the possibility to adjust the colors in my opinion are limited.

things like the deghosting, tone mapping, exposure fusion, micro smoothing, smoothing highlights are limited or not possible.

filters are limited and looks simple.

​Please take a look at these program its one off the best.




i hope you will take the time for it.

i like affinity a lot and i used it next adobe and Photomatix pro.

i think if you put in the HDR merge you want to be the best in it.

Otherwise photographers still need to use other programs and its usseles in the program.

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