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Hi gkaiser,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

The live filters are dynamic/applied in realtime to what you see on screen and so their rendering changes slightly depending on the zoom level. To ensure you are getting an accurate preview of the filter and exported image make sure you are checking/seeing your images at 100% zoom.

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Ok, I shot a 6400 ISO RAW picture on black, lots of noise.Develop Persona doesn't even seem to just reduce a little bit of noise, so I developed the RAW, and I took 2 snapshots, before and after, at 80% zoom.No difference at all :)



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I believe it does remember the slider position when you click extreme. The slider thumb must move because the value range is massively expanded. So the thumb moves to the left when you click extreme because 100 is a low value in the extreme range. The normal range is 0..100. The extreme range is 0..2000.


The range is expanded so much that moving the slider thumb can be a bit touchy so small movements make a reasonable difference. I tested one ISO 12800 photo from an APS-C camera and I would get nowhere near 2000. More like 200..500.

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