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Can't get Photo to show in the Open With list for image files

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I am trying to get Photo to show in the right click -> Open With list of programs. I have manually tried Open with -> 'Choose another app' and picked Photo, but it still doesn't show up in the list permanently.


I want my image files to be associated with my image viewer - IrfanView, as they are right now, but for Photo to show in the list, just like Paint, Photos (the Modern / Store App) and Photoshop do. I am on Windows 10 FWIW.



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Thanks for the link.


I tried that app, but it still doesn't seem to work.


Well, there is the basic way if you are not afraid of modifying the Registry: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-any-application-to-the-desktop-right-click-menu-in-vista/


You better save the registry file before proceeding in case something goes wrong


Good luck!

May the light be with you!


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Well, there is the basic way if you are not afraid of modifying the Registry: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-any-application-to-the-desktop-right-click-menu-in-vista/

This registry modification just adds a link to an application in the desktop context menu (as the article says) not to the "Open With" list of a certain file type.



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