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Beta 11 crash

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Apparently this crash was not a "one off" as I tried again to create a macro and, again, when I tried to save it to the library, I got a crash. The crash reports may be identical but I am making it available just in case there is something new here. It can be found here.

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1) press Record Macro,

2) use Document -> Flatten command,

3) use Edit -> Matte and then click Apply in the Matte dialog box,

4) press Stop Recording,

5) press '+' to add the macro to the Library


On my system this crashes every time with Beta 11.


I have not downloaded Beta 12 (my internet is out, a recurring issue lately where I live) and I am using my cell phone hot spot so I do not want to start downloading large files. However I have been able to repeat this as many times as I wish with Beta 11 and each time generates a crash. I have uploaded the reports. When (and if?) my internet is reestablished I will download, install and test Beta 12.

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I have exactly the same results with RC1 as I did with the previous Beta. Every time I record a macro with the above steps and try to add it to the library (with the '+' button) APB crashes. The latest crash dump is here.


This is a release candidate and I would have thought that a problem like this would have been considered a serious thing with the app so close to release.

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It makes no difference for me. This happens every time to me whether the file is a raw, tif or jpg and it does not matter which file it is. That is, pick a raw, load it into APB, press develop, press macro record, Document -> Flatten, Edit -> Matte, Apply, macro stop recording, '+' and APB vanishes.


Pick any tif, repeat and APB vanishes. Pick any jpg, same thing.


I use this macro frequently because one of my workflow tools does not recognize adjusted files from the OnOne suite due to the active alpha channel and thus I have to use it on those files to make the file acceptable to that workflow tool. I did these steps in preparation so I did not have any actual layers when I did the flatten or any alpha channel when I did the Matte. That is, I just loaded the file (cr2, tif, tiff, jpg) and tried to record the macro but I have exactly the same results when I do have layers.


I have been working on my Mac Mini, which is my main working machine, but I will do some further testing using my MBP and actual OnOne files to see if there is any difference but this happens every single time I do it on my Mini, regardless. I can, if there is some question, record a video and post that.



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OK. That is very interesting.


The problem did NOT show up on my MacBook Pro but does show up constantly on my Mini. On the MacBook Pro I get the small dialog box asking me to name the macro but it never gets that far on the Mini. I guess I will have to try to see why this is happening on one machine but not on the other. Presumably there is some software/configuration difference between them.

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