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Import Freebies in Windows Affinity Designer

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I have successfully downloaded and unzipped my freebies but am unable import them into the program. If i double click on each icon, Affinity opens and gives 'unable to import' meesage.  I do not see anywhere within program where I can import them.  The pdf's wont open either. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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In "Draw Persona" select "Brushes" on the right-hand side, then click on the drop-down menu. Now select "Import" and go to the folder where you have unzipped the "daub-essentials" and "the box set"


I have not figured out what to do with the 3rd!

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For .afbrushes files




Brushes will only show up in their matching Personas (vector or pixel)


For the DAUB papers (.afassets), you would import from the Assets panel (View menu, Studio, Assets) - the same 3-line "mini-hamburger" menu in the corner.


For the great Dream styles (.afstyles) from the Resources forum, you would use the drop-down menu in the corner of the styles panel.

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