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In that case just drag the rectangle layer (after performing the steps outlines in the clip) over the  thumbnail of the image layer you want to make transparent to use the rectangle as a vector mask. You can then expand the raster layer in the Layers panel clicking on the small arrow on the left of the thumbnail to access the mask. To select the mask click on its thumbnail - you can then use the Move tool to adjust the mask as if it was a regular shape (stretch, rotate etc) and use the Gradient Tool to control the transparency/gradient.

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I panoramic photographer (360), this method using a patch when poorly stitching some sources. In this case, the task was to copy a part of a good texture of the door and put it on an unsuccessful area with a part smooth translucency... 




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I downloaded and tested the Affinity Designer.. this feature works fine ..

but it is available for import layer.


If i selection some area from BG layer (with Pixel Persona) copy and paste like new layer, this feature is not available (in attach).


I would very much like to be available this powerful 'Transparency' tool in toolset of Affinity Photo... :) 


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In that case just drag the rectangle layer (after performing the steps outlines in the clip) over the  thumbnail of the image layer you want to make transparent to use the rectangle as a vector mask. You can then expand the raster layer in the Layers panel clicking on the small arrow on the left of the thumbnail to access the mask. To select the mask click on its thumbnail - you can then use the Move tool to adjust the mask as if it was a regular shape (stretch, rotate etc) and use the Gradient Tool to control the transparency/gradient.


Hi Meb, If I promote a path to vector mask this works only as a solid shape, manipulations to fill colour don't work.

A rectangle filled with a linear gradient will work as a simple rectangle.

You need to use opacity of gradient points in order to make it work.


Eg. A Black to White gradient fill doesn't work, Any colour to Transparent gradient fill works  :)

The white dog, making tools for artists, illustrators and doodlers

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Hi Paolo,

You are taking that reply out of its context. I said there "In that case just drag the rectangle layer (after performing the steps outlines in the clip)...". The clip (#post 5) does show how to use the opacity of the gradient's colour stops to control the transparency of the mask.



Yep, sorry!

I think I mixed the discussion with this one

     Transparency tool in Affinity Photo    

The white dog, making tools for artists, illustrators and doodlers

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