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[AP] Borders

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Firstly a big thank you to the Affinity Photo for Windows team for this software. I am learning more and more about it and liking it the more I use it.


I would like to see a simple but accurate and consistent of adding a border to an image. In Photoshop it is done by going through "canvas size" and in Paintshop Pro (a program that I have been using lately because of problems with PS) it is even more simple, you go to "add borders". In both you can select what colour you want. I like to add a 4 pixel white border, then a 4 pixel black border to images that will be projected or posted on Flickr. The two methods do not remove any pixels from the image, whereas in the tutorials for Affinity it appears that pixels may be lost. Also it does not seem to be as accurate, or as easy, as I would like.


Many Thanks


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