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Hopefully I'm doing something wrong but I think Affinity Photo has not the power yet to do the same.


Warning, weak English incoming...


In Photoshop you can fold surfaces around corners, surfaces that had, say, 90 degrees between them may have 0 after using the perspective warp tool. It's not the 08/15 perspective tool basically every program has. I think you guys have the technology already there "under the hood" (Sort of a 3D Engine) but the bending is quite different. Most notoably I'm not able to select the "middle points" between the two surfaces.


Please see the attached pictures, they can better describe what I mean.





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Thanks for chiming in JimmyJack, your post motivated me to try the perspective tool again. I thought I was not able to move the planes without distorting but it's possible by switching to source mode.


Overall I think the Adobe version is better tho, because you can freely add planes. But I'm quite happy about this feature from Affinity. If I could only work with indexed pallettes I could probably show Adobe the finger.

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