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Tip for those struggling with aborted downloads

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If, like me, you've been having trouble getting the download to actually download past a few megs before reporting network issues here's something I found on Amazon's info page.

Apparently for any file that is being hosted on the Amazon S3 servers you can get it through a torrent.

Just take the original url (eg https://s3.amazonaws.com/affinity-beta/download/affinity-photo-public-beta.exe)and add ?torrent to the end (https://s3.amazonaws.com/affinity-beta/download/affinity-photo-public-beta.exe?torrent)


This will give you a torrent file which will allow you to download the file through your favorite bittorrent client.

It might not be faster (mine "peaked" out at 64KB/s) but it will finish.

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