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RAW import - colour spaces

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When I open a RAW file into Photo, or create a panorama from RAWs, the resulting image is always in sRGB.

In Preferences-Colour Profiles I have set both RGB colour spaces to ProPhotoRGB.


Am I missing some setting along the way (like in CameraRAW where you can set the colour space) or how can this be done?




P.S. I'm very impressed with this beta version! Please don't ever sell your company so Adobe or so... ;-)

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P.S. I'm very impressed with this beta version! Please don't ever sell your company so Adobe or so... ;-)


Really? I find the raw engine's noise reduction to be awful. Is the raw engine even working with high bit channels if it's cranking out sRGB? I'm not at all impressed with the raw file handling, and apparently that was a big enough issue that on the Mac version you can use Apple's engine.

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You can change the output profile - bottom of the right column.


You are right though - it should default to whatever you have set in Preferences..


The develop pipeline is 32bit unbounded - so it doesn't actually matter what primaries you are using (i.e. what profile) - because they are all the same if they are unbounded.. It does matter when you finish developing and go to 16bit - so thanks for the report.


I'll ask the Windows team to look into this..





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