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No Color Sampler Selection in Select Tab

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Ehy huys, I just noticed and thumbled around for a bit trying to find an easy way to select color ranges like in photoshop.
In the select tab I only get to select midrange/hilights/shadows and red green and blue.
Isn't there a way to access a selection tab where you get to sample a color and control the it's range?


PS. and by the way Serif, if I choose English as a language don't installa the Italian version of the software

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PS. and by the way Serif, if I choose English as a language don't installa the Italian version of the software


During installation, the installer asks what language you would like to use. In the application, go to Edit > Preferences > General, to change your current language.

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During installation, the installer asks what language you would like to use. In the application, go to Edit > Preferences > General, to change your current language.

Yeah I did choose during installation but it didnt work, thanks for the other info, didn't notice you could change from preference, must be too used to adobe products

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Hi Vicks. 


There should be a select sample colour option underneath all the tonal ranges selections. This is currently missing form this initial beta build, but I'm sure it'll will be added in subsequent builds :)

Thanks, good to know, do you know if a more simple way to create luminosity masks is on the way too? clearly resterize to mask and the options displaied in the gear icon on every adjustement layers are way to long and finniky, really really distrupt workflow

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