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Hello everyone,


I've got a quite big file (many small objects: Spritesheets). Until yesterday everything worked fine. I multiply some sprites to tint them or make some adjustments via the adjustments symbol in the bottom of the layers palette. Since yesterday it just stopped working:


If I click on a layer (vector) or group and then click "adjustments / HSL " - the window pops out. But the changes / settings I am making are not visible. They are not visible if I wait for some time. I tried to restart affinity designer / my machine - nothing works.


A video showing the issue is attached.


I use the latest Affinity Designer version on Mac 10.12. -

I am thankful for any solutions.


kind regards,





< edit > sorry - hopefully shows up this time: < /edit >


One man gamedev army working on "Minions within a Dungeon"

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Hi Sam,


This does seem quite odd. Please could you save your file and then send it to me so I may look into this further for you? Anything you send will be deleted once I have looked at it :)



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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@Callum, thanks you so much :) here you got the file.
Note: There are no graphics in this file, since the issue continues even without graphics in it.

If I would create a new file it will work again. But copying all the artboards and stuff would be a huge pain.

file attached

thanks you!


One man gamedev army working on "Minions within a Dungeon"

Twitter: @sam_vieten
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Hey, any news on that? Let me know if you find something :)
I will be in vacaition until sunday - so I won't response till then.

thanks - best regards

One man gamedev army working on "Minions within a Dungeon"

Twitter: @sam_vieten
Pinterest: http://pin.it/trKGll6
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The problem seems to be that you had an active pixel selection when you created your adjustment layers. Therefore a mask was attached to these layers. Try the following:

  • ​Open your test document.
  • Delete the Recolor adjustment from the “characters” artboard.
  • Choose Select > Deselect in order to deselect your pixel selection.
  • Recreate the Recolor adjustment.
  • See if it works.

I am pretty sure it does …  ;)



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That solved it. If I could have thought on this my own... damn. Thanks so much :)

One man gamedev army working on "Minions within a Dungeon"

Twitter: @sam_vieten
Pinterest: http://pin.it/trKGll6
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facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sam.vieten
IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/minions-within-a-dungeon

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