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Make Catalogue like Lightroom

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  • 4 months later...



my opinion is not to have a catalogue. There is quite some (FREE) software that can help you. I would keep the SERIF guys to really focus on enhancing and enabling new features in AP.



Like that many people like me stop the indefinitely rent to adobe minimum 9,94$ every month....

BTW: there is still Lightroom 6 that you can buy and have it forever. I know there are some features in Lightroom CC which are not available in Lightroom 6 but that's why I bought AP :)

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I would largely prefer and external app like Bridge. I really don't want to bloat AP with DAM inside. It is something for a partner app, not for AP.

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@Hofnaar: I get your point. I haven't tried that yet but I've seen the macro option in AP. I guess there will be a way to "record a macro" which can be used for other photos. I've also seen a lot of requests for batch processing which in combination with macro can do exactly what you need.


Actually I'm not sure if catalog would help you in any way for your particular need.


Hopefully I did not understand your point incorrectly.

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@czech.kuba the point is, that we need to edit series of pictures from time to time with a specific look for the whole series. In example for weddings, events, birthdays.....


An in-Affinity DAM/cataloguing solution won't help with that any more than would sorting "like" files into a folder using your computer OS, and then bulk processing the files in that folder...

Keith Reeder

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I know what you mean. And you are right with it. 

But, the advantage of how lightroom or ACR is working with series of big RAW files is to put them into a xml like database or let us call it catalogue.

Not for sorting files, but for a fast as possible editing of a series of photos. You don't need to load and edit each photo separately (Of course you can...) if you want to edit a series of photos.

In AP photo persona the macro function is currently not useful for that kind of work. Neither the stack and batch job function.

And the preset function in the raw/develop persona is not working as it should be right now.

Maybe booth in near future... thats the reason for such a thread (in my opinion)  :)

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An in-Affinity DAM/cataloguing solution won't help with that any more than would sorting "like" files into a folder using your computer OS, and then bulk processing the files in that folder...

obviously you have not used LR or C1p


of course it helps and is absolutely necessary





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I guess you're using the Sync function when editing the pile of pictures in Lightroom. Point is that LR uses totally different approach than AP. For me the AP is more like Adobe Photoshop which, by the way, also does not have any catalogue. You can say that they have a bridge or the LR itself but these are separate SW and they keep you paying for each SW separately. It would be nice to have catalogue connected with AP but I must insist on sepatate application. I believe that this strategy in Photoshop is not only the economic one.


For me if there would be an option to use macro together with batch processing, i'll be fine.But please take my opinion with considering that I'm hobby-photohrapher with limited experiences.


Have a great day☺

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No, "we" don't.




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obviously you have not used LR or C1p


of course it helps and is absolutely necessary




Oh,dearie me... Seriously? I have a different opinion to you, so I'm ignorant on the subject?


Nice attempt at pulling rank - but it doesn't fly.


I've used Lightroom from release 1. Until I stopped using it (which I only did because Photo Ninja became my converter of choice - the Adobe subscription payment model is brilliant value for money) I was on the Adobe Certified Professional (Lightroom) programme; I've used Capture One since release 3, and I'm still active on the Phase One forums.


(I can also add that I was an official DxO Optics Pro beta tester on releases 9 and 10, if those aren't sufficient credentials for you - oh, and the DAM I use is one I created myself in Excel/VBA and my OS, which matches commercial offerings in terms of my cataloguing requirements. Don't imagine that I don't understand DAM, I do. I even understand when it's not needed...)


You need to read what I said properly: if someone simply wants to group a set of similar images together in order to - in essence - batch process them in Photo, that's as easily achieved at the OS as it is with a DAM.


"Necessary" clearly means something different to what you think it means: it is absolutely not "necessary" to use a DAM/catalogue in order to achieve that stated purpose - and there's no debate about this.


One last point: the OP clearly wants a DAM solution embedded in Photo: bad idea, as a standalone allows the user to be converter/pixel-editor agnostic, as Affinity has recognised.

Keith Reeder

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No, please, no :(

Surely not for AP embedded inside :wacko: Someone is mixing RAW development, batch processing, File/Photo management solution - all together - here in this discussion.

LR is a different application and the things you are mentioning here can be solved by batch processing, however Catalogue works on different basis.... and there are also SWs which do not use catalogue and have good batch processing (eg. for weddings) like eg. Zoner used to have it till version 15 (I think, not sure about the version).




Professional Photographer based in Prague

Affinity Photo user - cur.ver. @ Win 10


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Having been forced to start over when my first DAM solution was taken over by a new "developer" who starved the software to death in a few months with no usable export features, I am little prepared to switch from my present DAM solution (Lightroom 5 upgraded from 3 and then 4), unless the new DAM system is able to import at least all the metadata from Lightroom". Losing cataloging data of more than 15,000 photos is certainly not my definition of fun.


I own an old Adobe Creative Suite ("1") which I have not used in years, and an old Photoshop Elements which was fine for minor tweaks, but I simply love the Affinity team's approach to Designer and Photo. I really enjoy them and am happy they have been made available for Windows. Keep up the great work, keep adding useful and slick features and swatting bugs!

Lenovo laptop with Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM, Windows 10 Home. Former user of most Serif software from PagePlus 3.0 through PagePlus X9, now enjoying Affinity Designer, Photo, and Publisher.


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The much I love to see serif in the position of a one-stop shop ... the much I agree with Keith. First things first. Get the Photo App bug-free, functional up-to date, workflow optimized and fast. And than think of adding additional features into existing sw or new applications (DAM) where they belong. But please don't distract from finishing the essential work that has been started.

While DAM from my point of view seems to be a reasonable feature to implement some time in the future ... there are some serious dreamers around that even ask for video editing and animation support (I'm aware there are people in need for this). But a bit of common sense would help loosing that thought asap. Anyone up for 3D modelling and spreadsheet support? ;-)


 i7-12700KF, 3.60 GHz, 32GB RAM, SSD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070, Wacom Intuos 4 Tablet, Windows 11 Pro - AP, AD and APublisher V1 and V2

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 ... there are some serious dreamers around that even ask for video editing and animation support (I'm aware there are people in need for this). But a bit of common sense would help loosing that thought asap. Anyone up for 3D modelling and spreadsheet support? ;-)


If Serif could add a Drone Persona so I can operate the drone I got for Christmas from inside AP that would be awesome.


Won't need much in the Drone Persona just some navigation controls (preferably via my tablet) and a live feed from my drone's camera so I can take snapshots and edit them in Pixel Persona


I can see this being even more popular once AP is available on a iPad.



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The only reason why I (and many others) will not use Lightroom ist Lightroom's paranoid catalogue that wants to catalogue not only tons of test versions of my images but also images of my friends when I want to take a look at them on my computer with my Lightroom. Such a catalogue behaviour should not be copied.

If a catalogue will be implemented to Affinity Photo it should catalogue only the images that the user wants to have in his catalogue.

Lightroom's catalogue is a bad model.

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I do not want to use LR as browsing app. I often discuss images and the possibilities to edit them with friends. My imaging software should allow me to do that without adding their images to my catalogue.

I agree that it would be nice to have a catalogue in Affinity Photo but the user should be able to control what it does.

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