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If I set my document at 300 DPI, and I place an image and blow it up so its effective DPI is, say, 60 DPI (e.g. I have a huge document size of 2 metres x 2 metres, and I place a 2500 pixel x 2500 pixel photo, and then drag it to fill the space), if I then apply a layer effect (e.g. Gaussian blur, set to 200 pixels), will that affect the effective DPI of the image it's being applied to? 

Obviously if I print an image that's effectively a DPI of 60, I know it's going to look pixellated if you're closer than a couple of metres, but if I apply, say, a blur effect, will that get rid of the pixellation, or will it still look pixellated but just less defined?

(If that makes sense?)



The output page dimension + output resolution (effective DPI) define density and size of the resulting pixels.

The blur effect value defines the image details (edge contrast) between pixels.

Both do not directly affect each other. You can get fewer and larger pixels or many and small pixels, while both results can have more or less blur (colour difference between pixels, details).

For layers of type 'image' the document resolution is not relevant to achieve a certain result, the output pixels + blur get rendered during output and according to the output settings. The document resolution matters for 'pixel' layers (e.g. rasterization of 'image' layers before export).

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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