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"I'm experiencing an inconsistent issue in Affinity Publisher where sometimes after copying and pasting images into a text frame, permanent frame handles (X marks) appear at the corners of the frame. This doesn't happen every time, but when it does, these aren't the normal selection handles - they remain visible even after deselecting the frame.

The only way I've found to delete them is by using Undo, but I'd like to know if there's a proper way to edit or delete these handles without undoing my work.

CleanShot 2025-02-03 at 09.15.12@2x.png


X-handles indicate the layer is locked, either because you deliberately locked it with the Layers panel or menu command, because it's a footnote or sidenote, or likely in this case, because you pasted the frame while a master page object was selected, and thus pasted it into the master page layer. I do this all the time and you need to undo it immediately or it will take work to clean up.

You'll see this when you expand the master page layer in the layers handle, the text frame will be a child of the master page. To fix this now, choose Layer > Master Page > Edit Detached and then drag the layer above the master page in the panel. Then click Finish.



Thank you for your response.
I usually undo it right away when I notice it, but since I'm still a beginner, I sometimes unintentionally add images or text areas (like index additions) and only realize later that they were placed incorrectly, which leads to unavoidable situations. That's why I asked for help.

Thanks to the hint in your reply, I was able to resolve the issue by adding a new page, applying the same master layout, linking the pages, and then deleting the problematic page.

Thank you!

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