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Affinity Photo (2.5.7)  Windows 10  - Renaming a photo


How (can) you rename a photo in the photo persona?

If I import a photo taken on my phone it has a long filename, IMG-20240411-WA0000.jpg

Is it posible to rename the file in the editor itself?

I can Save As, or Export, and choose a different filename but I can't find a way to rename the original photo.

There isn't even an option in the FILE menu, that I can find.

Searches on the web say double click on the filename above the photo but that doesn't work.

Does anyone know how/if it's possible?



Thank you

iPad Pro 12.9” (2021) M1 CPU, 1TB RAM, 5th generation & Apple Pencil v2 & apple Magic Keyboard, IPad OS 16.3.1

Affinity Photo 2.0.4


I don't think you can rename a file within the app, personally, if I want to rename something, I just do it before opening it, or resave it with a different name.!

Acer XC-895 : Core i5-10400 Hexa-core 2.90 GHz :  32GB RAM : Intel UHD Graphics 630 : Windows 11 Home
Affinity Publisher 2 : Affinity Photo 2 : Affinity Designer 2 : (latest release versions) on desktop and iPad

"Beware of false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance." (GBS)

6 hours ago, Hattie30 said:

If I import a photo taken on my phone it has a long filename, IMG-20240411-WA0000.jpg

Is it posible to rename the file in the editor itself?

You can rename the layer very easily by just double-clicking on its name in the Layers panel. Note that the ".jpg" is just a default name for it -- it does not mean it is actually a jpeg file, just a pixel layer layer if opened directly or possibly an Image layer if placed in the AP document. I'm not sure where you read that you can double-click on the file name "above" the photo, but that does not work in the Affinity apps or any other Mac app I'm familiar with. Some Mac apps support changing file properties like filename & tags but that is done via clicking on a downward facing "v" that exposes a short menu. Affinity does not support that (although it has been requested).

If you save the file in the native Affinity format (via File > Save) you can name it whatever you want on the first save; thereafter, you will need to change the name via Finder, Explorer or whatever file manager you use.

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.7 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

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