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My goal is to re-create this image (wing-art-digram / image 1 below) in a way that will allow me to change the color of the wing outline as well as the wing color for each wing section. I am working on a crochet project and want to test different color options for the wings and the outlining I will do.

For now I am just trying to create a single wing. Then I will duplicate and adjust colors to see which design looks best.

For my first go at re-creating this wing design, I was able to use the pen tool to do all the outlining, but they are not closed shapes.

For the individual wing sections (top, middle, bottom), first I tried using the Selection Brush Tool (selection-tool.png / image 2 below) to grab the pixel space that makes up the top wing section, and then I used the paintbrush to color inside the selection (paintbrush-tool.png / image 3 below). This worked fine, but I am now unable to change the color of the top wing.

Is there any way to grab the space in-between the outline I've completed for a single wing section, and make that into some kind of shape or object where I can easily change the color and play around with the color easily so I can see what looks best?

I'm sure whatever I am finagling around with is not the best way to do this. It feels like there should def be an easier way but I'm not super savvy in design software outside of very basic pen tool useage.






Edited by BirdsOfAFeather
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you could try flood selection to get the spaces in between the feather outlines even though the shapes aren't actually closed (might need to play around with the tolerance slider a bit, depending how open they are), but if you're willing to start over from scratch I suggest using the pen tool to draw the feathers as closed curves, then use the styles panel to create a few different styles of line & fill color combinations, which you can then apply to other feathers or blocks of feathers.

not sure if that explanation made any sense, but hopefully it's something you could try! tbh this post actually caught my eye because that exact same feather shawl pattern has been sitting in my ravelry favorites for years and I've never gotten around to deciding whether to get it and give it a go, but I recognized the wing instantly from your image lol. good luck on the shawl!!


Thank you 3 Racoons! I decied to take you advice and just close all the paths. Took a little while but not terrible. And yes this feather shawl is going to be awesome!! It's a s fun project but my first challenging one. I've learned a lot for sure. I just hope it comes out well enough to justify all the time I'm putting in :) Thanks for the help!

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