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  1. Publisher 2
  2. 2.5.7
  3. Can be easily reproduced.
  4. Happens for new document and saved. 
  5. Details:
    • MacBook Air M1, 2020
    • macOS Sonoma 14.6.1
    • Language setting: English US as main with Japanese as secondary
    • Hardware acceleration is on.
    • Has not gone away with changing hardware acceleration being turned off.
    • Recreation:
      1. Start any document size or layout
      2. Create a table object, select a cell
      3. Type words that refers to some emoji using the native Japanese IME on macOS (e.g., "hebi", "sakana", "shoukaki", "kyuukyuusha")
      4. Hit space or the down arrow key to toggle/cycle through the options (note: this is where things behave unexpectedly)
      5. Other cells surrounding the currently selected cell (typically directly right of it) become highlighted, while the IME loses focus and does not respond to space or arrow key
      6. Typing any other key will get implemented on the cells that are selected
      7. Delete key once will unlock this status, but will delete anything in the selected cells and surrounding cells
      8. Hitting delete once more will remove the unfocused IME selection
      9. Command + z may or may not allow to go back and fix.
    • Externals: monitor and external keyboard (keyboard types in colemak by default)
    • I downloaded Affinity Publisher 2, launched it to make the file and this occurred.


  • Staff

Hi @qvotxnl and Welcome to the Forums,

Thanks for reporting this.

I've replicated this and have logged it with the Developers :)  

When the issue has been resolved, this thread will get an update from the Affinity Info Bot stating which build this have been fixed in.

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