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When I try to use the command buttons (that little circle in the bottom left corner that gives you access to Shift, Alt, Command and Control) I seem to not be able to press and hold the button I want (like Control together with the vector brush tool to create straight lines). The first line or two go fine but then it very quickly "forgets" or loses my finger touch even though it's still very much on my iPad still and thus stops drawing straight lines.

I know I can toggle this by pressing once on the button and then pressing again to stop it but I've never liked toggle buttons and they feel very unnatural to me. Is there any way to tell Affinity Designer 2 to Not let go if I've still got my finger on the button? It's clearly over the actual modifier button and not on the circle in the center itself so it shouldn't start to wiggle in order to move it around nor should it just let go if I've not let go of it yet.

  • Staff

Welcome to the forums @MegaMiley,

The Command controller buttons has three states: Inactive, Held (temporary) and Locked. Provided that you've positioned the controller over a modifier and it's held in that same position it should remain active, and I can't get it to behave otherwise even after holding it for an extended duration (other than moving the controller off of the modifier). The alternative would be to just tap the modifier once to lock it in position.



I think I found the root cause of the bug, the held state does indeed stay on whilst keeping your finger on it but the palm rejection letting go often cancels the held state. It doesn't happen every single time but about 30% of the time for me and quite frequently when actually drawing as well.

Easiest way to force it to happen is to hold the button with my left thumb and then press my right pinky and hand palm on the display (making sure it has a large surface area touching it) and let it go again about a second later. If I don't even touch the display with my right hand (thus only hovering above the display and only letting the Apple Pencil touch it) then the held state stays on as long as I have my finger on the button.

Would love to see an update fix this bug as I doubt this would be something intended to happen. For reference, I'm using the latest version of the app, the latest version of iOS and have a 6th gen 12.9 iPad Pro

  • Staff

If you've got a large surface area touching the iPad Display this will cause touch input issues with any  active presses/gestures, such as the long press-hold gesture the Command controller. See the recording below where I've essentially just placed the entire surface area of my hand on the display, which evidently cancels everything out due to the touch input source confusion, not really sure what can be actioned on this internally so it would be better to just lock in a modifier or use a Drawing glove to avoid unwanted skin-to-screen contact if you're using a pencil.





Aha, it's a system level issue basically. Just tested the same thing in GarageBand by Apple themselves and had similar issues where a held keyboard key would re-trigger when I put my palm on and off the iPad. If even Apple has this issue in their app then there's not much to do about it yeah. Guess I'll get a drawing glove then

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