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I have been experimenting with the Pattern layers in Affinity Photo for a while now and wanted to create a set of dance/sport/catwalk model figures filled with texture and edged in gold with gold backgrounds using my 'Byzantium' Gold brushes.

The Pattern layers in Affinity Photo are really cool, and you can add to the pattern once you have created it; as you paint on the Pattern layer to update it, your brush stroke is duplicated across the Pattern.

However, I wish that you could edit the objects/brush strokes once you have created them (ie space the objects/brush strokes out, resize them, move them around or rearrange them) rather than having them simply duplicates side-by-side.

I know that you can have several Pattern layers in one file, but I would like to be able to position them and move the objects/brush strokes around the other Pattern layers.

I have resorted to dabbing a brush stroke and duplicating it where I want it, but it would be so cool to be able to move the objects/brush strokes around to fit in amongst the the other Pattern layers (if that makes sense)... as if the objects on the Pattern layer acted like 'Text Wrapping' in Word when you resize a picture in a paragraph, the text shuffles along to make room for it. Even if it were random and you didn't quite know where they would all shuffle to. In fact, that would be even better - to have a 'Random' setting would be so cool...  

So here are a few... (More to come)

Contemporary Dance
Jamaican Dancehall
60s Ska/Reggae Dancing
80s Ballroom (Vogue-ing)

I drew the figures in Affinity Designer, then brought them into Affinity Photo and filled the shapes with textures that I created in Affinity Photo by making a selection of the figures and creating several layers, then painting on the layers (but within the selection) with brushes from my free 'Nature' and 'Byzantium' Gold brush collection and changing the Layer Blending Modes, changing the colours using HSL Adjustments and adding Bevel and Emboss. Then I outline the figures with gold.


Patterns: Gold



Patterns: Dancers on Gold




Patterns: Skateboarder on Gold


Patterns: Catwalk Model on Gold


Patterns: Ballet Dancers, Catwalk Model & Skateboarder (figures only)






This one reminds me of the painted figures on Egyptian tomb art... 😀


Pattern Layers in Affinity Photo:  Swimmer

Experiment... unless you are being chased by a client 😄

Swimmer on Gold


Patterns: Swimmer Pattern 


Patterns: Swimmer 01 (figure only)


Patterns: Swimmer 02 (figure only)




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