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After typing in a paragraph, and starting a new line, if I type the BACKSPACE key, the cursor does not go to the end of the last line of the paragraph above. Instead the cursor stays where it is, and the paragraph that was below it magically switches to a different text style. If I hit backspace again, the lower paragraph returns to its original style, but the cusror stays at the beginning of the lower paragraph. 

My only workaround is to hold down the SHIFT key and arrow back to the end of the upper paragraph then hit DELETE. It works, but is a strange workaround if you ask me. I've used PUBLISHER V1 with no issues like this, but V2 has the issue, but I am not sure what sub-version this behavior began with. Has anyone else encountered this, or am I just in my own private world?


Thanks for your pointing out that the issue revolves around the "NEXT" part of the style, which is the case, but I still am wondering why hitting "BACKSPACE" when the cursor is at the first of the second paragraph fails to delete the carriage return at the end of the first paragraph. The only way to get rid of the carriage return is to position the cursor at the end of the last line of the first paragraph and hit the "DELETE" key. Then the carriage return goes away. That is odd behavior if you ask me.

16 minutes ago, Larry Fjeldstrom said:

Thanks for your pointing out that the issue revolves around the "NEXT" part of the style, which is the case, but I still am wondering why hitting "BACKSPACE" when the cursor is at the first of the second paragraph fails to delete the carriage return at the end of the first paragraph. The only way to get rid of the carriage return is to position the cursor at the end of the last line of the first paragraph and hit the "DELETE" key. Then the carriage return goes away. That is odd behavior if you ask me.

Backspace is just the shortcut for increase level, just like Tab is the shortcut for decrease level.

If you want to actually delete the carriage return you either need to backspace twice or press Shift+Left Arrow before pressing Backspace. Or you can turn off this feature by editing the style with next level set and then backspace will work normally.

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