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How to Access Variable Font support feature

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I am trying to access the Variable font support editing feature which was a new feature added to v2.5 in May 2024.

Instructions are:

  • On desktop, click the Font Variations button on the context toolbar (or on the Character Panel)

The trouble is the Variations button is greyed out and there is no variations selection under the Charater panel.  I have tried selecting Art text and Paragraph text and also highlighted the character glyphs themselves, but this button remains subbornly greyed out.

Can someone please clarify how I can access this feature?  Is it dependant on the font itself or should you be able to perform this feature on any font?

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The icon in the font chooser will tell you.

In my example image, “Atkinson Hyperlegible” is a static OTF font while “Bahnschrift” is a variable OTF font.

Also, whatever font manager/viewer you have (either one that came with your OS, or that you installed) should be able to tell you.


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